[Air-l] you got mail

Nancy Baym nbaym at ku.edu
Tue Nov 12 11:54:10 PST 2002

A related note I've seen mentioned but can't remember where (Naomi 
Baron, are you here? you must know, it was probably you) is 19th 
century London where mail was delivered several times daily. 
Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning apparently carried out 
their famed courtship through this mail in a way that parallels 
email. Nancy

Cool! Thanks.

I can see myself possibly using the reference in two ways: I've been 
looking at email as a genre and some of the norms associated with 
emailing. This is a great sidebar to norms of non electronic letters. 
Also, I'm working on a movies and technology paper, looking at how 
movies reflect our attitudes toward technologies (I'm looking 
specifically at the phone, and computers/email over time). I might be 
able to drop this anecdote in.


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