[Air-l] Submission Deadline Extended for Finland Communication and Technology Conference

Susan B. Kretchmer susankretchmer at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 30 08:10:17 PST 2002

******* DEADLINE EXTENDED TO DECEMBER 15, 2002 *******

** Please pass this message on to colleagues and lists
to whom it would be of interest.  Thank you! **

2003 International Summer Conference on Communication
and Technology in Finland

The Informing Science Institute, the Partnership for
Progress on the Digital Divide, the National
Communication Association, and the Pori Unit of the
Turku School of Economics and Business Administration
will be sponsoring an International Summer Conference
on communication and technology in Pori, Finland, June
24-27, 2003.  The purpose of the conference is to spur
debate and increase understanding to meet the
challenges and explore the opportunities posed by the
new Information Age, and to reach out in innovative
ways to seek partnerships and solutions that bridge
gaps in knowledge, expertise, and interdisciplinary
cooperation.  The topic areas to be considered range
from the digital divide to misinforming and
misinformation.  Further details are available at the
conference web site: http://www.is2003.org.

In addition to lunches, coffee, tea, and snack breaks,
and guided walking tours of the city during the day,
the conference features an informal welcoming
reception, a banquet with music at a traditional
Finnish restaurant by the river, and a reception at
City Hall hosted by the City of Pori.

The conference will be held at the Pori Unit of the
Turku School of Economics and Business Administration.
 Pori is on the West coast of Finland, about 120 km
(or 75 miles) north of Turku and 240 km (or 150 miles)
north-west of Helsinki.  The main part of Pori, a
peaceful city of 75,000, is about eight blocks square,
so it is easy to walk almost everywhere.  Traffic is
light, and many people ride bicycles.  It is easy to
reach Pori from either Helsinki or Turku by air, bus,
train, or rental car, or even ferry from Sweden via

A trip is planned on Saturday, the day after the
conference, to nearby Yyteri Beach, a sandy beach
known as the "Finnish Riviera," with a water slide and
a hiking trail along the shore, and/or Reposaari, a
small fishing village unspoiled by tourism. 
Convention attendees will also be able to participate
in a post-conference study trip to the University of
Lapland above the Arctic Circle, land of the Midnight
Sun and Northern Lights.

You can learn more about Finland at
http://www.genealogia.fi/finnlinks/ and

Submission Instructions

The language of the conference is English.  All
submissions should be original and not currently under
review by any other publication or conference since
the author(s) will need to transfer copyright to the
organizers before the paper can be published.  All
submissions will undergo blind review by three or more
referees.  It may be useful to review papers presented
at IS2002, which can be found at

All accepted papers will be published in the
Conference Proceedings and selected papers will appear
in the journal _Informing Science: International
Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline_ or the
_Journal of Information Technology Education_. 
Quality papers on the special conference topics of
Misinforming/Misinformation and Bias will be fast
tracked for inclusion in a special issue of _Informing
Science_ and/or a book.

Below are the specific requirements for each type of
submission, followed by the general requirements for
all submissions.

Research Papers--Research papers should be submitted
as complete papers.  Papers should include a
description of the context of use, the relevant
publics involved, the problem, and the proposed
solution, if appropriate.  Original thinking is
valued.  Papers typically are less than 20 pages long
(about 5000 words).  Research papers must be original
and unpublished.

Interactive Papers, Discussion Papers, and Practical
Papers--Shorter papers (at least 8 pages) of
Research-in-Progress, Interactive, Discussion, and
Practical matters are also welcome.  These let you
share the progress you have had to date and receive
constructive feedback midstream in your research.

Panel Discussions--Proposals for panels that
synthesize and orient work in the area are encouraged,
especially those that cross disciplinary boundaries. 
Panel proposals should define an issue, list proposed
panel members, their backgrounds, and their basic
positions.  Panel proposals should be written as
extended abstracts that are approximately two pages
long.  Panels should provide for interaction among
members and with the audience and should not consist
of a series of independent mini-papers.

Submissions will be accepted via the web at
http://submit.insite.nu (or email, if your web access
is limited).  Please review http://www.is2003.org for
complete details on submission, including formatting
2002 (just request extension from Eli Cohen at
eli_cohen at acm.org or elicohen at sprintmail.com.)

If you would like to be part of a panel submission,
but cannot put one together, we will try to match up
presenters with similar interests and submit the
resulting panels.  To participate, please email a Word
attachment containing a 75-word abstract of your
topic, a 50-word bio, and your complete contact
information by 5 p.m. ET on DECEMBER 8, 2002 to both
docrod99 at hotmail.com and susankretchmer at yahoo.com.

Authors may appear at most on two papers, or one paper
and one panel.  For an accepted paper to appear on the
program and in the proceedings, at least one author
must register by the presenters' registration
deadline.  All members of panels must register by the
presenters' registration deadline.

Volunteer to Review Submissions

Please volunteer your expertise as a paper reviewer
for the 2003 International Summer Conference and,
thereby, become a member of the Conference Program
Committee.  Sign up at: http://volunteer.InSITE.nu.


Various levels of Academic Departmental Sponsorship
are available beginning at $500.  All sponsors will be
acknowledged in the conference literature and
websites.  Higher levels of support  will also be
acknowledged on the Conference Carry Case.  Interested
institutions should contact both Susan Kretchmer
(susankretchmer at yahoo.com) and Rod Carveth
(docrod99 at hotmail.com).

Important Dates

Abstract or paper submission    December 15, 2002
Author notification    February 15, 2003
Final paper due (MS Word or RTF) & presenter's
registration deadline    March 15, 2003
Conference Period    June 24-27, 2003
Study Trip to the Arctic Circle    June 29-July 3,

Further details about the conference are available at
the IS2003 web site: http://www.is2003.org.  Please
contact both Susan Kretchmer
(susankretchmer at yahoo.com) and Rod Carveth
(docrod99 at hotmail.com) with any questions.

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