[Air-l] orality and textuality

Irene Berkowitz berkowitz at mail.temple.edu
Thu Nov 14 13:35:14 PST 2002

Hi Frank,

You may also want to look at:

 Author         Standage, Tom. 
                     The Victorian Internet : the remarkable story of the telegraph and the nineteenth
                     century's on-line pioneers / Tom Standage. 
                     New York : Walker and Co., 1998.

A very quick and informative read.  It only deals with snail mail tangentially, but certainly looks at what happened  between postal mail and the telegraph and the change in communication patterns and draws comparisons with the internet.


>>> frank.thomasftr at free.fr 11/14/2002 3:54:21 PM >>>

I start to think about the fact that ICTs are well embedded in our 
cultures of text and voice communications. SMS, for instance, is a very 
interesting sort of written speech. To understand email communication we 
have first to better understand postal letter exchanges. I am no 
cultural anthropologist so I have no immediate knowledge of that area of 

Would someone on the list be so kind to point me to a good start for 
reading, for books, articles, online texts, market research, I dont know 
what ...

Thank you


Frank Thomas
FTR Internet Research
321, boulevard de la Boissière
93110 Rosny-sous-Bois
tél. 0033.

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Irene Berkowitz
Coordinator for Curricular Publications and Systems
Office of the Vice Provost
Temple University
tel. 215-204-7596  fax. 215-204 3175
berkowitz at mail.temple.edu

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