[Air-l] Distributed Research labs - any examples/links ?

Niels Windfeld Lund niels.windfeld.lund at hum.uit.no
Mon Oct 21 01:53:42 PDT 2002


At our department of Documentation Studies at the University of 
Tromsoe (the northernmost university in the world) we are working 
with the idea of making a distributed research lab, called The 
Document Academy, by linking a number of groups/departments/people 
from different places together with the aim of working together on 
document analysis, document development. It should not only be a 
place for presentation of research, but a place where the actual 
research work take place, sharing documents, editing documents etc. 
It should also include all kind of media/means like writing, images, 
video and sound.
We are planning this together with people at our local center for 
tele medicine around the case of electronic patient record and people 
at SIMS/UC-Berkeley.

I have heard of examples of that kind of distributed labs from coast 
to coast in US, but there might be a lot of cases which we do not 
know, so do any of you have any experience of that kind of work or do 
you know any working examples of this kind ?


Niels Windfeld Lund
Niels Windfeld Lund, professor, Instituttleder / Head of Department
Institutt for dokumentasjonsvitenskap / Department of Documentation Science
HUM-FAK, Universitetet i Tromsø/University of Tromsoe
Breivika, N-9037 Tromsoe, Norway
tlf. +47-77646284, fax + 47-77644239


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