[Air-l] Have a nice trip !

Monica.Murero at MERIT.unimaas.nl Monica.Murero at MERIT.unimaas.nl
Fri Oct 11 12:53:33 PDT 2002

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

Have a safe and nice trip !

I am looking forward to welcoming you in Maastricht,
for a memorable conference.

Monica Murero
Conference Chair


*Feel free* to join us at the Irish pub Saturday from 5-7pm!
Irish pub John Moulin
Wijcker Brugstraat 50, 
(close to the bridge on the river Maas, Wijck area) 
Telephone: 043 - 350 01 41 (+31-43-3500141). 

For a map of Maastricht http://www.mappy.com 

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