[Air-l] minutes of executive commitee meeting

Ulla Bunz bunz at scils.rutgers.edu
Thu Oct 24 14:36:29 PDT 2002

Association of Internet Researchers
3rd Annual Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands, October 13-16, 2002

Minutes (short version) of the Executive Committee Meeting (October 13,

Attendance: All members of the executive committee (Steve Jones, Nancy
Baym, Ben Bates, Ulla Bunz, David Silver, Barry Wellman, Leslie Shade,
Matthew Allen, Lisbeth Klastrup, Jeremy Hunsinger, Charlie Breindahl)

The meeting convened at 7 pm.

1. Welcome by Steve Jones (President)

2. Executive Officers' Reports
2.a) President, Steve Jones
- Steve informed us that we could expect 400-450 people at the
- Based on a suggestion by Steve, the exec committee decided that based
on individual  performance and merit, the association will award program
and conference chairs life membership in AoIR if their service is "above
and beyond." This is awarded retroactively. So far, all previous program
and conference chairs qualify. This motion was passed by acclamation.

3. Association Action Items
3.a) Website
- Jeremy reported that due to security issues, he will have to re-do the
members site soon.
- The URL http://aoir.org/2003/ is directed to the conference website
for 2003.

3.b) Elections
- Nancy reported from the elections working committee, who's still hard
at work. The working group will submit their final report to the
executive committee by December 1, 2002. The executive committee will
make final decisions based on this report by January 15, 2003.

3.c) Report of work committees
3.c) 1. Ethics committee
- The statement of the ethics group will be presented during the
conference. It will be further discussed during the General meeting.

3.c) 2. Web Resources Working Group
- Charlie reported slow going due to limited participation. He said we
need active members. Discussion and suggestions are great, but action is
better. He asked that people interested get in touch with him.

3.d) Awards
- Currently, we have the Couch Center award. This award is for the best
paper on/related to symbolic interactionism. Conversations with the
Couch Center are underway concerning establishing this award as a
regular award at our annual conference meetings.
- We also have keynote recognition plaques, but not retroactively.
- We also have best student paper award, consisting of a plaque and a
book selected by the program chair. 
- The committee is investigating other possible awards under the
leadership of Matthew Allen.

3.d) Membership/Recruitment
- Currently, we have between 350 and 400 members.
- We are offering institutional memberships, but only have one such
- Steve encouraged us all to continue our own, personal recruitment.
This will also help to grow in a diverse fashion, which is something the
entire exec supports.
- Suggestions were made by several exec members about spreading the word
and sustaining membership. The suggestions (mostly sending various
messages to various audiences) will be put into effect.
- Flyers etc. are still available on the website.

3.f) Spring Meeting
- The executive committee will meet in Chicago in the Spring. 

4. AoIR Conference Items
4.a) 1.-5. We decided to form a conference organizing workgroup to look
into the following items: conference roles and responsibilities, program
chair selection, hosts vs. internal planning, conference themes,
programming mechanics, incl. reviewing. Nancy will chair this committee.
Other volunteers include Barry, Ulla, Jeremy, Leslie. 

4.a) 6. Call for Hosts, 2004 and beyond
- We've had suggestions, though no ultimate proposals.
Proposals/applications for 2004 & 2005 are due by December 1, 2002.

4.b) AoIR 2003 Specifics
4.b) 1.- 2. Status Report and Funding
- Barry reported that Liss as the conference chair has great support,
including Katherine Parrish. They are hard at work.
- The grant proposal is due by November 1, 2002. We will find out in

4.b) 5. Book Exhibitors
- We are currently evaluating different options.

4.b) 6. Program committee
- air-meet is and air-con are ready (air-con focuses on reviewing

4.b) 7. Timeline for conference organizing
- AoIR 4.0 in Toronto: October 16-19, 2003 
- We decided on requiring 500-750 word extended abstracts. In the CfP,
we should include guidelines for what goes into abstract, i.e.: purpose,
approach, contribution
- Call for papers: Dec 1
- Deadline for submissions: Feb 15
- Notification of acceptance: April 1
- Date of pre-conference: Oct 14&15

5. New Business

5.a) Raising Dues
- Steve reminded us we need to maintain our membership, but will also
have to consider increasing membership dues. 

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned around 11 pm. 
Respectfully submitted, 

Ulla Bunz, Oct 20, 2002

Ulla Bunz
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication
Rutgers University
4 Huntington Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Email: bunz at scils.rutgers.edu

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