[Air-l] Have a nice trip !

Louise Ferguson louise.lists at ntlworld.com
Fri Oct 11 14:05:39 PDT 2002

 From someone from the usability world who will be unable to attend
owing to partnership break-up here in Brighton
loss off home
loss of telephone
and other commonplace calamities ':-)

I wish you all well in Maastricht
and hope to make it one of these days to see my friend Tomas in Amsterdam
to catch up on some organisational psychology

(And a plea to externalexaminers to give it a rest)

>and thank you for your preparations.
>Frank Thomas
>Monica.Murero at MERIT.unimaas.nl wrote:
>>Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,
>>Have a safe and nice trip !
>>I am looking forward to welcoming you in Maastricht,
>>for a memorable conference.
>>Monica Murero
>>Conference Chair
>>*Feel free* to join us at the Irish pub Saturday from 5-7pm!
>>Irish pub John Moulin
>>Wijcker Brugstraat 50, (close to the bridge on the river Maas, Wijck 
>>area) Telephone: 043 - 350 01 41 (+31-43-3500141).
>>For a map of Maastricht http://www.mappy.com
>>Air-l mailing list
>>Air-l at aoir.org
>Frank Thomas
>FTR Internet Research
>321, boulevard de la Boissière
>93110 Rosny-sous-Bois
>tél. 0033.
>Air-l mailing list
>Air-l at aoir.org

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