[Air-l] chatrooms

John B. White john.white at wku.edu
Tue Sep 10 14:16:18 PDT 2002

Jennifer Stromer-Galley wrote:

> If you want to access the world of IRC (internet relay chat), you will
> want a chat client. Mirc is free and easy to use: www.mirc.com
> Best wishes,
> ~Jenny Stromer-Galley

mIRC is shareware. You can use it for free and Khaled has not made the program
crash after the 30-day evaluation, but registering and paying the $20 dollar fee
(USD) is required to continue using the program.

Alternatively, there are many free websites that have java applets that will
allow you to browse IRC networks.  These vary greatly in functionality and
form.  If you are serious about using IRC, I would recommend mIRC for windows
based operating systems or IRCle for Macs.  Those are the two most popular


John White, Ph.D.               |         O: 270.745.5867
Associate Professor             |         F: 270.745.4437
Dept. of Public Health          |         W: http://www.wku.edu/~whitejb
Western Kentucky University     |         E: john.white at wku.edu

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