[Air-l] Digital Gaming Industries Event: Manchester, UK

Jason Rutter Jason.Rutter at man.ac.uk
Tue Aug 12 02:47:35 PDT 2003

Hi All,

We're rapidly approaching the registration deadline for this workshop
but there are still a few places available.

Developments, Impact and Direction

19th-20th September 2003 
ESRC Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition 
University of Manchester, 

Call for Participation

The digital gaming industry is one of the more important recent examples
of the phenomena of restless capitalism and creative destruction: new
activities emerge from within to compete with older, more established,
ones as rivals displace them or succumb to competitive pressures
themselves. As these new activities become embedded in economic systems
and old ones disappear there are profound effects on the structure of
economies, as well as on production, consumption, demand, technology and

The study of the digital games industry allows us to gain new insights
about innovation, the creation of new consumption and economic
activities, the growth of business opportunities and the development of
the market in terms of demand, consumption and supply. 

Against the current backdrop of a highly competitive economic
environment of gaming platforms, leisure software and new game-enabled
consumer technologies, the ESRC Centre for Research on Innovation and
Competition (CRIC) is hosting a two day workshop on the socio-economics
of digital gaming. The workshop will bring together international
delegates from academic, policy and commercial circles for in-depth
discussion on nature and characteristics of this emerging sector: the
'drivers', key 'players', the 'current state of play', and the impact of
the industry on the modern economy and the framework of its evolution.
Themes covered include:

	*  Competitive processes and their regulation 
	*  The technology of gaming 
	*  Evolving new sectors
	*  Role of venture capital and investment 
	*  Standardisation of technologies and markets, instituted
economic processes 
	*  Inter-firm interactions and strategic alliances 
	*  IPR, licensing and piracy 
	*  Labour markets and mobility 
	*  Economics of demand and consumption 
	*  Evolution through success and failure
A draft programme can be found at www.cric.ac.uk/cric/workshops/dgi/ 

Registration for this event in now invited. In order to facilitate high
level discussion and debate participant numbers for this event and will
be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. The fee for the event
is £150 which includes registration for both days of the workshop, two
lunches, workshop dinner and all workshop documentation.

We look forward to seeing you in Manchester.

Stan Metcalfe 	Jason Rutter	Ronnie Ramlogan

Dr Jason Rutter
ESRC Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition (CRIC), The
University of Manchester, 
Harold Hankins Building,
Booth Street West, Manchester, M13 9QH. UK
PH: +44 (0) 161 275 6859   Fax: +44 (0) 161 275 7361

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