[Air-l] Forthcoming Conference in Oxford

Vicki Nash victoria.nash at oii.ox.ac.uk
Tue Aug 12 03:36:42 PDT 2003

Please can I bring to your attention a forthcoming conference to be held
in Oxford by the Oxford Internet Institute on the 2nd October. For
details of how to register please go to

The second annual Community in the Network Society conference

A conference bringing together academics, community practitioners and
policy-makers organised by the Oxford Internet Institute and the
Community Development Foundation in partnership with the Said Business

2 October 2003, 9.30am-5.00pm
Said Business School, Oxford

Chair: Nina Wakeford, University of Surrey

Key themes: How do different communication technologies support the
varying degrees and understandings of mobility experienced by different
communities? What impact does this have on relationships at the
neighbourhood level?

0900		Registration and Coffee

0930		Introduction and welcome

0940		Keynote Speech - Community & Mobility
Professor John Urry, University of Lancaster 
		Comments from panel and discussion
Panel: Professor Ron Rice (Rutgers University), Anne Pridmore (UK
Disability Forum for European Affairs), Steve Soames (Devonport
Regeneration Company) 

1100	 	Coffee

1130		Plenary - Mobility, transience & connection
Kris Cohen, Incite, University of Surrey - Homeless single mothers & the
use of mobiles
Joy Etheridge, Freedom and Empowerment for Women (tbc) - Achieving a
sense of community through technology in the setting of domestic
Panel response & discussion

1300	Lunch

1400		Parallel breakout sessions 
.	Speaker from Young Gypsy and Traveller Cyberpilots (tbc) -
Travelling communities and their online experiences
.	Aydin Mehmet Ali, author and consultant - Experiences of online
mobility as expression of linguistic and national identity

1445		Plenary - Virtual mobility & community
		Cameron Marlowe, MIT Media Lab and creator of Blogdex
		Panel response

1530		Tea 

1600		Panel comments and discussion

1645		Review and summing up
		Victoria Nash, Policy & Research Officer, OII

Dr Victoria Nash
Policy and Research Officer
01865 287231

Oxford Internet Institute
University of Oxford
1, St Giles

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