[Air-l] FW: [chineseinternetresearch] use of the internet in the chinese rave scene
Randolph Kluver (Assoc Prof)
TRKluver at ntu.edu.sg
Thu Aug 21 17:46:43 PDT 2003
Ulla, this might be relevant to your query about non-US perspectives
Randolph Kluver
School of Communication and Information
Nanyang Technological University
31 Nanyang Link
Singapore, 637718
(65) 6790-5770
Fax (65) 6792-4329
-----Original Message-----
From: lokkie at lokman.nu [mailto:lokkie at lokman.nu]
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 7:21 PM
To: chineseinternetresearch at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [chineseinternetresearch] use of the internet in the
chinese rave scene
John von Seggern and STAFFER3. "Network Effects: Use of the
Internet in
the Chinese Rave Scene." 26 Feb 2002.
I have spent the past two years as a graduate student at the
University of
Hong Kong, where my work has focused on the emerging Internet
music scene.
The international music world has been going through a period of
extraordinary change and restructuring during this time because
of the
accelerating use of the Internet at every stage in the processes
musical production, distribution and reception. In this paper, I
focus on the developing electronic dance music scene in China, a
particular area of interest for me, and examine some of the ways
it has
been affected by the advent of the Net; I also want to look at
what some
of the larger social implications of these phenomena might be.
significance of Net access for musicians in a country where the
flow of
information is heavily restricted and censored can hardly be
underestimated, as I hope to show.
My material here is based in part on my own experiences as a DJ
musician working in China during the period 1995-2001. I have
this paper in consultation with STAFFER3, a pseudonymous
American techno
producer who lives and works in Beijing, and his involvement has
crucial to the development of the ideas I am presenting here.
Since the first raves were held in Beijing in 1995, a sizable
dance music scene has grown up in the People.s Republic of
China. Going
clubbing has become a popular activity among a significant
segment of the
country.s growing urban middle class, and an indigenous ecology
of Chinese
DJs, MCs, producers and promoters has emerged. This is a
limited not only to the country.s largest cities; dance clubs
various techno-derived musics can be found in many smaller
cities as well,
at least in China.s wealthier regions.
I relocated to Hong Kong in 1995 to work in the city.s popular
industry and I have witnessed the rapid growth of this new
Chinese club
culture firsthand on my frequent trips into mainland China. I
first became
interested in dance music culture in 1997 as I became aware of
the rapidly
growing club scene in Hong Kong at that time, and events on the
other side
of the Chinese border seemed to be following a similar course.
modern clubs attracting hundreds or even thousands of clubbers
weekend appeared to be springing up everywhere I went in China,
filling a void for a growing middle class with increasing
amounts of
disposable income but relatively few entertainment options to
spend it on.
During this same period in the late 1990s, Internet usage has
also become
widespread among members of this same middle class, and
according to the
China Internet Network Information Center, the Internet
continues to
experience phenomenal growth in China. A CNNIC survey released
in January
2002 reports that there are now over 33 million Internet users
in China, a
nearly 50% year-on-year increase. Internet use has been
increasing most
rapidly among the group most attracted to the dance club scene,
urban dwellers in their 20s and 30s.
I became interested in possible connections between this
increase in
Internet and the rapid growth of the Chinese club scene as I
observed a
number of interesting Net-related phenomena within the dance
music scene.
Hearing Chinese DJs spin a variety of imported and domestic
techno, and house music at clubs in Beijing, Shanghai and
elsewhere, I
wondered where they were learning about and obtaining all the
music they
were using. On a February 2001 visit to Club Focus, one of the
clubs in Guangzhou, I learned that some of the DJs there were
playing MP3s
downloaded from the Web and burned on recorded CDs in their live
This seemed to explain the uncanny musical erudition of DJ
Andrew and
others whom I met in Guangzhou as well -- how were they able to
keep up so
well with developments in the international music scene, I
wondered? One
of the DJs from Focus later told me that some of them used the
Internet to
search for information about dance music around the world.
Discussing this topic with more DJs and clubbers in China, I
began to see
a number of distinct effects of the rapid increase in Net usage
on the
nascent Chinese club scene: local DJs and producers were using
Internet to obtain new tools for producing and distributing
their own
music; websites were springing up to inform users about new
in the Chinese scene and provide new opportunities for
participants to
communicate with one another; and music makers and clubbers
alike were
using the Net to learn about and obtain new music from both
domestic and
international artists. I will now look at each of these "network
in more detail.
Chinese DJs and dance music producers are now using many of the
software tools used by other electronic music producers around
the world,
and they are obtaining them from the same source: the Internet.
Chinese producers depend completely on the Net for information
about new
developments in music software, either downloading new programs
onto their computers or copying them from friends who have
already done
so. The online availability of such powerful software tools, as
well as a
wealth of information about how to use them, now makes it
possible for
musicians in China to keep up with new developments in
electronic music
production and obtain at least some of the latest technologies
at the same
time as their colleagues overseas. This is a very significant
change when
we consider that it has always been very difficult for
musicians in China to get access to the technologies of
music; import restrictions and other barriers have meant that
music equipment typically costs twice as much in China as it
does in the
United States, when it is available at all. Computer hardware is
relatively inexpensive now, however, even for some mainland
Chinese, and
there are powerful software tools on the Internet that can be
had cheaply
or for free. Increasing numbers of young Chinese are using
computers to
create their own dance music and upload it to the Internet,
where it can
be shared with a community of other producers and club music
As an example of how participants in the Chinese dance scene are
connecting and forming communities on the Internet, I would like
to look
at Yesdj.com; this is one of the more extensive websites used by
DJs and producers to exchange information on how to produce
their favorite
styles of music and where to find music software. This
site also provides users with frequently updated lists of the
most popular
dance tracks and CDs in China, with links to downloadable MP3
when I last checked, the most popular CD on the site was by
south China techno-rap group MP4, and tracks from the CD had
downloaded over 65,000 times according to the site statistics.
also provides forums for clubbers to discuss the latest
developments in
Chinese dance music and for DJs, MCs, producers, promoters and
actively involved in the scene to make contact with their
across China.
Although it is impossible to gauge the precise extent to which
Internet-based communications have contributed to the rapid
growth of the
Chinese dance music scene, I believe that websites such as
Yesdj.com and
mailing lists of event schedules such as those operated by
Beijing clubs
Vogue and Orange have played a very significant role. It is
important to
note that besides the Internet, there are virtually no other
forms of mass
communication available to the Chinese dance community. Access
to print
media is strictly controlled in China, and information on
sponsored cultural activities is extremely difficult to come by.
It is
impossible, for example, for Chinese dance promoters to simply
take out
advertisements for their events in local magazines. In the
recent past,
information about dance events could be communicated only by
word of mouth
or by the distribution of party fliers, but Chinese clubs are
increasingly making use of the Internet for this purpose.
In addition to bringing new tools for producing music to
musicians in China and tremendously facilitating the circulation
information within their scene, the Internet is also having a
impact in terms of the vastly increased access to music from
outside China
which it has brought to its users. The Chinese government
controls all cultural imports, including music, and most
imported dance
music recordings are completely unavailable through legal
channels. As
Internet usage has increased in China over the past few years,
the Net has
started to become the main source of information about music for
more and
more young urban Chinese. DJs and producers, many of whom have
their own
computers with Net access, rely increasingly on the Web to learn
about the
latest trends in dance music styles around the globe. Virtually
all of the
major DJs in Beijing, for example, use the Internet extensively
to keep up
with international music trends, learning about new styles at
the same
time as their counterparts in other countries.
As I noted earlier, some Chinese DJs even use music downloaded
from the
Net in their live sets, making their own compilations of MP3
files of
music from China and abroad and recording them on CDRs; I have
DJs at some of the largest clubs in Shanghai and Guangzhou using
CDRs in the DJ booth. Among some in the Chinese underground
hiphop scene,
only tracks which have been downloaded are considered truly
and thus valuable, while any music which is available for
purchase in
physical form is seen as being tainted by commerciality to some
In considering the long-term effects of these developments in
the context
of modern Chinese society, we might recall the oft-quoted ideas
of Jacques
Attali about music as a predictor of social change:
Music is prophecy. Its styles and economic organization are
ahead of the
rest of society because it explores, much faster than material
can, the entire range of possibilities in a given code. It makes
the new world that will gradually become visible, that will
impose itself
and regulate the order of things; it is not only the image of
things, but
the transcending of the everyday, the herald of the future
(Attali, p.
It is easy to be critical of Attali for his vagueness and
generalizations. Yet the ideas he first presented in his book
Noise in
1977 seem to be resonating more strongly than ever at present,
with many
writers on digital music culture both in academia and in the
popular media
citing Attali.s ideas to help explain the phenomena they observe
on the
Internet. If we are willing to grant some degree of truth to
what Attali
is saying, that music may indeed be a "herald of the future" in
sense, we can only be led to consider some startling
possibilities about
the future of modern China. The rapidly evolving Internet-based
scene on the mainland may have radical implications for a
society based on
the principle of monolithic state control of information.
The Chinese government has been very active in efforts to combat
spread of dissident activity and "harmful opinions" on the
Internet, even
going so far as to construct a security firewall around the
entire country
which ensures that CNN.com (for example) cannot be freely
accessed by
Chinese Web surfers. Nonetheless, the government.s control over
the flow
of information into and out of China has already been seriously
by the Web. A report prepared in January 2000 by the United
States Embassy
in Beijing explains this situation in more detail and raises
questions for
the future:
The Chinese government filters the flow of information into
Dissident groups mail thousands of electronic periodicals into
China. They
constantly switch originating addresses to evade filtering. Some
websites are blocked but Chinese surfers often use proxy servers
to evade
the Great Red Firewall. Email from China cannot reach certain
addresses but using a foreign email account (such as Hotmail)
can solve
that problem. The old Chinese saying "For every measure taken on
there is a counter measure down below" is illustrated by the
wide use of
anti-filtering countermeasures (US Embassy report, 2000).
Shanthi Kalathil and Taylor C. Boas of the Carnegie Endowment
International Peace have studied the political impact of the
Internet in
China in greater detail, noting that while many observers
continue to
believe that rising use of the Internet poses an insurmountable
threat to
authoritarian regimes, the reality in China is that the
government has
managed to control the impact of the Net to some degree and in
the short
term via both reactive and proactive strategies (Kalathil and
Boas, 2000).
However, other commentators look to the future and question how
long any
kind of effective control can be maintained. Kalathil and Boas
outline some of the specific mechanisms by which authoritarian
regimes can
be gradually undermined by the Internet:
ONE Exposure to outside ideas and lifestyles may spur a
revolution of
"rising expectations" as citizens begin to wonder why they are
rights and freedoms enjoyed by the people of other nations. (It
believed that this was an important factor in the revolutions in
Europe which overthrew the Communist regimes there, although
rather the Internet was the crucial media technology there.)
TWO The widespread use of email, Internet chat rooms and the Web
ordinary citizens may contribute to a greater degree of
pluralism" as more and more information which contradicts the
party line becomes available to users.
THREE Civil organizations may use the Internet for the
dissemination of
information among members and for large-scale organization. (The
striking example of this in China thus far has been the Falun
Gong, a
banned religious organization.) Kalathil and Boas note that
these civil
organizations have often played a crucial role in undermining
authoritarian regimes elsewhere.
FOUR The Internet creates new opportunities for entrepreneurship
wealth creation.
FIVE Finally, Net usage provides increased scope for foreign
within countries hitherto isolated from the world community by
and control over the free flow of information.
Looking again at the Chinese dance music scene, we can clearly
observe the
operation of many of the mechanisms identified here. The
Internet has
contributed significantly to the spread of new musical ideas in
encouraging a greater degree of musical pluralism; websites and
lists are routinely used by participants in the scene to
communicate with
each other and to organize and promote dance events; the rapidly
dance music scene is creating new economic opportunities for
some young
Chinese in the underground economy; and there is an increasing
degree of
foreign musical influence due to the access to music and
information from
overseas provided by the Internet. If Attali is right and
developments in
music do foreshadow changes in other social practices, then the
success of China.s efforts to control public discourse on the
must be placed in doubt, with potentially profound consequences
for the
future of the country.s political system.
Although the dance scene is not overtly political for the most
part, it
should be noted here that there are already signs of a
"ideational pluralism" among its participants which may have
political overtones. An article in Asiaweek magazine in May 2001
early signs of politicization within the Chinese dance scene,
such as the
popularity of a locally-produced dance track called "No
Communist Party."
Taking its melody from a song associated with the Cultural
Revolution, the
lyrics ridicule Communist Party icon Lei Feng, the selfless PLA
who has been held up as a model of good character to generations
Chinese students.
Some observers of the Internet music scene even follow Attali.s
one step farther and argue that the drive to distribute music on
Internet has itself become a cause of future change in other
areas and not
just a predictor of it. They point especially to software tools
for the purpose of distributing music that may ultimately have a
greater impact when applied in other areas. Freenet, a
decentralized and
anonymous music file trading system, provides us with an
example here. Freenet makes it possible for users to trade any
kinds of
digital data files among themselves completely anonymously,
without fear
of being identified by government authorities or copyright
holders. Ian
Clarke, the founder of Freenet, has reportedly been contacted by
who is already using his software in a totalitarian, Middle
country to share information banned by the government (van
Buskirk, 2000).
Technologies developed to share music such as Freenet, which
enable users
to communicate on a mass scale with no possibility of
censorship, may ultimately play a key role in evading the
mechanisms of
online control identified by Kalathil and Boas.
As I have tried to show here, increasing Internet usage among
in the Chinese dance scene seems to be contributing
significantly to the
rapid growth of that scene. Participants are exposed to a wide
variety of
new ideas and lifestyles through the widespread use of email,
chat rooms
and the Web, members of the community are using the Net to
organize and
promote their activities, and new opportunities for
entrepreneurship and
wealth creation are emerging within the scene: these
characteristics of
the new dance subculture illustrate specific ways in which I
believe the
Internet is acting to significantly reduce the Communist
control over the Chinese population as the government loses
control of the
flow of information. Bearing in mind again Attali.s idea of
music as
prophecy, I wonder about what kind of messages we might read
from the
chaotic freedom of the main dancefloor at Club Rojam in
Shanghai, where on
any given weekend more than a thousand clubbers might typically
be found
dancing to a mix of electronic beats from all over the world...
Attali, Jacques. Bruits; essai sur l'economie politique de la
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1977. Published in
English as
Noise: the political economy of music, tr. Brian Massumi.
University of Minnesota Press, 1985.
China Internet Network Information Center. January 2002. 17 Feb
DJ Tadi. Homepage. 18 Feb 2002
Freenet. 6 Dec 2001 <http://freenet.sourceforge.net>.
Kalathil, Shanthi and Taylor C. Boas. "The Internet and State
Control in
Authoritarian Regimes: China, Cuba, and the Counterrevolution."
Endowment for International Peace, Information Revolution and
Politics Project, Working Paper #21, July 2000. 18 Feb 2002
Oster, Shai. "It.s My Party." Asiaweek 18 May 2001. 20 Feb 2002
US Embassy Beijing. "China.s Internet Information Skirmish." Jan
2000. 5
Dec 2001
van Buskirk, Eliot. "How Music Is Changing the Internet." 26 Nov
2000. 5
Dec 2001
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