[Air-l] New participation opportunities: Conference on Universal Usability
Shari Trewin
trewin at us.ibm.com
Fri Aug 22 13:42:56 PDT 2003
The 2nd ACM Conference on Universal Usability is seeking extended
abstracts on late breaking research in Universal Usability. We are
particularly looking for papers from the social science, economics,
communications and sociology community in order to build bridges between
researchers in these disciplines and interface designers. We are also
seeking applicants for the CUU 2003 Doctoral Consortium. The conference
will be held in downtown Vancouver, Canada from November 10 ?11, 2003. See
http://sigchi.org/cuu2003/ for conference details. Special rates for
early conference registration are available until October 13, 2003.
Doctoral Consortium
The CUU 2003 Doctoral Consortium provides an ideal opportunity for
doctoral students to explore their research interests in an
interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of a panel of distinguished
research faculty. The Consortium will be held on Sunday November 9, 2004.
Ten (10) students will be invited to attend and discuss each student's
work in turn. Student participants will have a poster of their work
exhibited at the main conference. Students will receive complimentary
conference registration, and reimbursement of travel, accommodation and
food. For application details, see the conference website at
http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigchi/cuu2003/studentinfo.htm. The deadline for
submission is Monday September 22, 2003, 5:00 p.m. (1700) Pacific Standard
Abstracts on Universal Usability
The CUU conference is focused on understanding and guiding those elements
of human-computer interface design that affect the ability of a universal
collection of people to effectively use and gain benefit from computer
applications. Thus, the conference accepts papers in universal
accessibility such as interface designs that support screen readers for
the blind, but it is also keenly interested in the social nature of
accessibility. For example, CUU would like to attract research from those
individuals working on the digital divide, in particular, details on the
ways in which different socio-economic groups find it difficult to have
access to computers and to the Internet. Computers are currently designed
for the western knowledge worker with an assumption of infrastructures
that support complex exchanges and a robust power supply. A cultural and
cost-based redesign has the potential of bridging the digital divide.
Thus, research on the nature, extent and characteristics of this gap are
solicited. The conference is also interested in research on how different
groups respond affectively to various interfaces and how specific
applications leave users disturbed about potential invasions of privacy or
control ? enough so that usage is avoided or limited. A key belief in
hosting this conference is that software and computers are cultural
objects that have embodied in their design a set of features that clearly
state ?who? the software and computers are designed for. The focus of the
conference is thus, to develop an understanding of how to create these
cultural objects so that they speak to a universal audience.
Suggested topics for universal usability abstracts include the following:
1. Digital divide issues in Africa, Indonesia, Poor America, etc.
2. Affective or Emotional Computing
3. Designing interfaces for multiple languages and cultures
4. Trust issues in networked applications
5. Computer training for the computer illiterate
6. Gender differences in responses to computerization, e.g., the
Prepare a two-page extended abstract of your research in the ACM
Conference Publications Format (
http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html ), including: title,
author information, abstract, keywords, research summary, and references.
E-mail this abstract in PDF format to cuu2003-lbr at universalusability.org
by the deadline of Monday, September 22, 2003, 5:00 pm (1700) Pacific
Standard Time (PST).
Accepted abstracts will be available as part of the Proceedings on the
conference website. They will not be published in the print Proceedings.
At least one author from each accepted abstracts will be required to
present the paper at the conference in November. Presenting authors must
register for the conference.
This call for extended abstracts is also available on the CUU 2003 web
site at: http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigchi/cuu2003/call.htm#Abstracts
Shari Trewin
CUU2003 Publicity Chair
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