[Air-l] WSIS - some data

Philipp Budka philbu at gmx.net
Sat Aug 9 02:22:05 PDT 2003

"The majority of humans does not have a telephone" said Marc Furrer,
director of the Swiss Federal Office 
of Communications (BAKOM) - http://www.bakom.ch/en/index.html? - at a press
conference in Biel 
(Switzerland) concerning the WSIS in Geneva in december 2003. 
In developing countries there is one telephon main-line for 200 persons. In
Bangladesh the costs for a 
Computer are about eight average yearly incomes. In Nepal an
internet-connection costs about 278 
percent of an average monthly income – compared to 1,2 percent in the USA.

the complete article can be read at http://derstandard.at/?id=1385083 in



Philipp Budka
email: philbu at gmx.net
tel.: +43 (0)1 95 28 244
tel. mobil.: +43 (0)6991 95 28 244
Rustengasse 5/10
1150 Wien, Austria

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