Charles Ess cmess at lib.drury.edu
Fri Aug 1 20:30:16 PDT 2003

The note just sent to the list was clearly intended for Liss Jeffrey - I
apologize for any embarrassment this may have caused, as well as for the
unnecessary clutter in your email box.
One of these days, I might get some competence in this medium.

With all sincere regrets,
Charles Ess
Distinguished Research Professor, Interdisciplinary Studies
Drury University
900 N. Benton Ave.                          Voice: 417-873-7230
Springfield, MO  65802  USA            FAX: 417-873-7435

[from August 20 - December 19, 2003:
Visiting Professor
Department of Digital Aesthetics and Communication
IT-University of Copenhagen
67 Glentevej
DK-2400 Copenhagen NV

Home page:  http://www.drury.edu/ess/ess.html
Co-chair, CATaC: http://www.it.murdoch.edu.au/catac/

Exemplary persons seek harmony, not sameness. -- Analects 13.23

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