[Air-l] Fwd: Visiting Assistant Prof. position at Cornell U. Dept. of Communication

Ulla Bunz bunz at scils.rutgers.edu
Wed Dec 24 19:43:23 PST 2003

Visiting Assistant Professor of Communication

The Department of Communication at Cornell University
(www.comm.cornell.edu) seeks a one-year Visiting Assistant Professor from 
August 2004 to May, 2005, to teach two courses per semester in the  following
area(s): communication theory, research methods, persuasion,  communication
technology, and/or organizational communication.  A Ph.D. in  Communication or
closely aligned field is required, although an individual  in the final stages
of dissertation completion may be considered.  The  successful applicant will
work with exceptional students and a stimulating  department with core
strengths in science and environmental communication,  mass media and social
issues, and communication and technology.  Cornell  offers a highly
competitive salary and benefits package.

Applicants should send a vita, samples of scholarly writing, and evidence  of
teaching effectiveness to Prof. Michael Shapiro, Search Committee Chair, 
Dept. of Communication, Cornell University, 336 Kennedy Hall, Ithaca NY  14853
USA.  Applications will be reviewed beginning February 15, 2004 until  the
position is filled.  Minority candidates are especially encouraged to  apply.

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