[Air-l] " The changing of way to generate alienation"

Paolo Manzelli lre at unifi.it
Tue Dec 30 00:58:09 PST 2003

Dear Devorah Kalekin

for coming at the congress on the session

Alienation Theory and Research: New Directions

of the congress that will be held in July 7-11 in Beijing, organized in collaboration with the International Institute of Sociology. 

I need of an official letter of invitation.

I would like to speak about the following issue

" The changing of way to generate alienation in the transformation 
between industrial society in the world wide incoming knowledge society."

See for example my recent paper on Job Insecurity and Continuous 
Training. see in : 

see also in : http://www.edscuola.it/lre.html

My bedst regards and having a good succesful and happy new 2004. Paolo 

Director of LRE/EGO-CreaNet – University of Florence
Via Maragliano 77 – 50144 Firenze – Italy
Phone: +39/055332549
Mobile: +39/335-6760004
E-mail: LRE at unifi.it ; manzelli at invisibilmente.it

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