[Air-l] fAf Jan-Feb03: Blackout: Indigenous New Media Arts Collective

linda carroli lcarroli at pacific.net.au
Thu Feb 6 22:08:13 PST 2003

fAf January - February 2003

fineArt forum = art + technology netnews

This month, Blackout, a site created by Jenny Fraser, is launched. Blackout 
features information about and work by Australian Indigenous new media arts 
practitioners. Blackout was initiated at NISNMA (ANAT's National Indigenous 
School for New Media Artists) in 2002 when the participants formed the 
Indigneous New Media Arts Collective. 

Also in the Gallery, Jane Gallagher, curator of the recent Brisbane-based 
exhibition, The A4 Refugee Project negotiated with several of the 
participating artists for permission for their works to be reproduced as 
downloadable PDFs. In conjunction with AUSTCARE, the exhibition presented 
over 100 A4 sized artworks at Metro Arts during Refugee Week - we present 6 
of those online.

This month fAf invites your feedback about the magazine through a reader 
survey which will be online until 6 March. In order to attend to your needs 
appropriately, we hope you will take the time to complete the survey. Your 
feedback will be used to chart future changes and refinements to fAf online 
and the edigest as well as our other components such as Art Resources, 
Gallery, Screening Program and projects.

:: Opening doors: Using new media techniques to aid students with 
developmental disabilities - a study by Deena Larsen
:: Molly Hankwitz takes a look at Borders and Edges: BitParts: New Media 
Art in the UK's Midlands
Reviews and Reports
:: From Singapore, Andrea Lau, Eunice Tan & Wai XiaoWen report on the 
proceedings of the Forum on Creativity in the Arts, Science and Technology, 
Nanyang Polytechnic
:: JM John Armstrong reviews Iconoclash: Beyond the Image Wars in Science, 
Religion and Art
:: Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez reports on Querying Ourselves: Locus: 
Interventions in Art Practice, two part project held in Manila
:: Jane Gallagher reviews The A4 Refugee Project which deals with artistic 
engagement in the debate about asylum seekers and mandatory detention.
:: NTT/Verio to Terminate Thing.net as reported by Judy Malloy
:: Michelle Gordon-Coles looks at Retooling: A Historian Confronts 
Technological Change, an historical perspective of MIT culture
:: Linda Carroli reviews reload: rethinking women and cyberculture

Please join QUT's Communication Design Department and fineArt forum for a 
lecture by Deena Larsen, a visiting new media writer from the United States.

Topic: New Media: We just couldn't go there before
What is the potential for writing and art with new technologies? Images, 
sound, text, programming, interface design, and more are merging to spawn 
countless numbers of new genres. Join us on a guided tour of some of the 
amazing works produced by artists working across disciplines. Deena Larsen, 
noted new media author, will introduce some of the exciting potentials in 
this field. Explore things that could not have been conceived of only a 
decade ago. Discuss the issues that arise as universities and practitioners 
meet the challenges that these new art/sound/text forms present.

1.30pm, Thursday 13 February 2003
A105 (Conference Room)
Kelvin Grove - QUT (Victoria Park Road, Kelvin Grove)

For more information or reservations please contact:
Linda Carroli
l2.carroli at qut.edu.au

Don't forget that fAf_15, our commemorative 15th anniversary cdrom is still 
available and free. On fAf_15, we present the magazine's entire archive as 
well as specially commissioned and collated new material. fAf_15 is an 
invaluable resource for researchers, artists, writers and activists in the 
new media, science and technology fields. It will be particularly useful to 
those living and working in areas where internet access is difficult and 
unreliable. To obtain a copy, email fAf at l2.carroli at qut.edu.au with your 
name and postal address.

. . . . .

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Send an email message to: mailserv at qut.edu.au with the following text in 
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Nisar Keshvani: editor at fineartforum.org
Linda Carroli: l2.carroli at qut.edu.au

fineArt forum is a free, not-for-profit news and information service 
exploring the relationship between the arts, sciences and technology. fAf 
aims to inform new media arts and technology communities worldwide of the 
latest events, developments and opportunities.

fineArt forum is assisted by the Commonwealth Government through the 
Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body 
http://www.ozco.gov.au. Additional support is provided by QUT Communication 
Design Department, School of Film and Media Studies - Ngee Ann Polytechnic 
Singapore and Mississippi State University.

fAf is produced on behalf of the Art, Science and Technology Network (ASTN) 
fAf and Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA) are strategic partners. LEA is an 
online peer-reviewed journal published at MIT Press for the Leonardo 
Network http://www.leonardo.info.

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