[Air-l] Persistent Conversation at HICSS

herring at slis.indiana.edu herring at slis.indiana.edu
Sun Feb 16 20:12:50 PST 2003

                        CALL FOR PAPERS
                    on the Big Island of Hawaii,
			January 5 - 8, 2004

                       *** AT-A-GLANCE ***

TOPIC AREA: Conversation via digital media, such as email, chat,
IM, texting, blogs, web boards, mailing lists, 3-D VR, multimedia
computer mediated communication, etc. The focus of work may range
from the analysis of structural characteristics of conversation such
as turn-taking and threading, to the use of digital conversation
in domains such as distance learning, knowledge management, and
workplace collaboration.

WHO: Researchers and designers from fields such as anthropology, 
computer-mediated communication, HCI, interaction design, 
linguistics, psychology, rhetoric, sociology, and so forth.

- Thomas Erickson, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
- Susan Herring, School of Library and Information Science, 
  Indiana University

- Abstract submission - Monday, March 17, 2003
- Abstract feedback - by Monday, March 31, 2003
- Paper submission - Sunday, June 1, 2003
- Accept/Reject notice - Sunday, August 31, 2003
- Final papers due - Wednesday, October 1, 2003

- about the minitrack, contact: snowfall at acm.org, herring at indiana.edu
- about previous years' papers and participants, see:
- this CFP: http://www.pliant.org/personal/Tom_Erickson/HICSS37pc.html
- about the HICSS conference, see: http://www.hicss.org/

                       *** DETAILS ***

This interdisciplinary minitrack and workshop brings designers 
and researchers together to explore persistent conversation, 
the transposition of ordinarily ephemeral conversation into 
the potentially persistent digital medium. The phenomena of 
interest include human-to-human interactions carried out using 
chat, instant messaging, text messaging, email, mailing lists, 
news groups, bulletin board systems, textual and graphic MUDs, 
structured conversation systems, document annotation systems, 
etc.  Computer-mediated conversations blend characteristics of 
oral conversation with those of written text: they may be 
synchronous or asynchronous; their audience may be small or 
vast; they may be highly structured or almost amorphous; etc. 
The persistence of such conversations gives them the potential 
to be searched, browsed, replayed, annotated, visualized, 
restructured, and recontextualized, thus opening the door to 
a variety of new uses and practices.

The particular aim of the minitrack and workshop is to bring
together researchers who analyze existing computer-mediated
conversational practices and sites, with designers who propose,
implement, or deploy new types of conversational systems. By
bringing together participants from such diverse areas as
anthropology, computer-mediated communication, HCI, interaction
design, linguistics, psychology, rhetoric, sociology, and the 
like, we hope that the work of each may inform the others, 
suggesting new questions, methods, perspectives, and design 

We are seeking papers that address one or both of the following 
two general areas:

* Understanding Practice. The burgeoning popularity of the 
internet (and intranets) provides an opportunity to study and 
characterize new forms of conversational practice. Questions 
of interest range from how various features of conversations 
(e.g., turn-taking, topic organization, expression of 
paralinguistic information) have adapted in response to the 
digital medium, to new roles played by persistent conversation 
in domains such as education, business, and entertainment.

* Design. Digital systems do not currently support conversation 
well: it is difficult to converse with grace, clarity, depth 
and coherence over networks. But this need not remain the case. 
Toward this end, we welcome analyses of existing systems as well 
as designs for new systems which better support conversation. 
Also of interest are inquiries into how participants design their 
own conversations within the digital medium -- that is, how they 
make use of system features to create, structure, and regulate 
their discourse.

Examples of appropriate topics include, but are not limited to:

- Turn-taking, threading and other structural features of CMC
- The dynamics of large scale conversation systems (e.g. USENET)
- Methods for summarizing or visualizing conversation archives
- Studies of virtual communities or other sites of digital talk
- The roles of mediated conversation in knowledge management
- Studies of the use of instant messaging in large organizations
- Novel designs for computer-mediated conversation systems
- Analyses of or designs for distance learning systems

For other examples of appropriate topics see the list of previous
years' papers:

The minitrack will be preceded by a half-day workshop. The workshop
will provide a background for the sessions and set the stage
for a dialog between researchers and designers that will continue
during the minitrack. The minitrack co-chairs will select in advance
a publicly accessible CMC site, which each author will be asked to
analyze, critique, redesign, or otherwise examine using their
disciplinary tools and techniques before the workshop convenes;
the workshop will include presentations and discussions of the
participants' examinations of the site and its content. The
workshop is primarily intended for minitrack authors, although
other participants are welcome provided they are willing to 
prepare for it as described above.

1. Submit a 250 word abstract of your proposed paper via email to
the chairs: Tom Erickson <snowfall at acm.org>, Susan Herring
<herring at indiana.edu> by the deadline noted above.

2. We will send you feedback on the suitability of your abstract
shortly thereafter.

1. Manuscripts should be 22-26 double-spaced pages, including
diagrams, in Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat format. The final 
paper will be 10 pages, double-column, single-spaced.

2. Each paper must have a title page that includes the title of 
the paper, full name of all authors, and complete addresses 
including affiliation(s), telephone number(s), and e-mail 

3. The first page of the manuscript should include the title and 
a 300-word abstract of the paper.

4. Papers should contain original material and not be previously
published, or currently submitted for consideration elsewhere.

5. Do not submit the same manuscript to more than one Minitrack.

6. Papers should be submitted by email, to the minitrack chairs:
Tom Erickson <snowfall at acm.org>, Susan Herring <herring at indiana.edu>
by the deadline noted above.

Since 1968 the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
(HICSS) has become a respected a forum for the substantive
interchange of ideas in all areas of information systems and
technology. The objective of HICSS is to provide a unique 
environment in which researchers and practitioners in the 
information, computer and system sciences can frankly exchange 
and discuss their research ideas, techniques and applications. 
Comments and feedback from each HICSS conference indicate that 
the conference format continues to be professionally rewarding 
and stimulating to everyone who attends. More information about 
the HICSS conference can be found at http://www.hicss.org/.

Conference Administration:
- Ralph Sprague, Conference Chair, sprague at hawaii.edu
- Sandra Laney, Conference Administrator, hicss at hawaii.edu
- Eileen Dennis, Track Administrator, eidennis at indiana.edu

2003 Conference Venue:
       Hilton Waikoloa Village (on the Big Island of Hawaii)
       425 Waikoloa Beach Drive
       Waikoloa, Hawaii 96738
       Tel: 1-808-886-1234
       Fax: 1-808-886-2900

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