[Air-l] Blogging Panel for Toronto

halavais at u.washington.edu halavais at u.washington.edu
Wed Feb 19 14:01:13 PST 2003

Just-in-time panel production! 

Some colleagues and I are assembling a panel on blogging as a mass phenomenon. I have a rough sketch on my blog (of course): http://alex.halavais.net/news/archives/000276.html . Would be happy to hear of others who are interested in contributing to the panel. Also would be interested in hearing from those who are researching blogs generally, panel or no.


Alex Halavais

     |         Alexander Campbell Halavais         |
     |             alex.halavais.net               |
     | Assistant Professor, School of Informatics  |
     |  State University of New York at Buffalo    |

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