[Air-l] cfp Corporal Literacy
Rob van Kranenburg
kranenbu at xs4all.nl
Thu Jan 30 03:28:07 PST 2003
Corporal Literacy
Maaike Bleeker: New developments in a variety of disciplines -
ranging from philosophy to medicine to cognitive science - argue for
a revaluation of the body as actively involved in processes of world
making rather than a passive decoding machine. This revaluation of
the body points to the necessity to change our understanding of the
role of the body in processes of perception and meaning making.
Corporal literacy understood as the bodily capacity to read and make
sense also changes the notion of thought and meaning itself, the idea
of what it means to do thinking, to make meaning, to rationalize.
"What is important" write Lakoff and Johnson in their Philosophy in
the Flesh, "is not just that we have bodies and that thought is
somehow embodied. What is important is that the very peculiar nature
of our bodies shapes our very possibilities for conceptualisation and
categorization." Corporal literacy describes these abilities of the
body to perceive, read and make sense. It is a strategic term, with
which we want to make a space for interaction and collaboration
between researchers approaching questions of bodily meaning making
from various backgrounds.
George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. Philosophy in the Flesh. The
Embodied Mind and its Challenge to Western Thought. Basic Books 1999:
Rob van Kranenburg: In A future world of supersenses, Martin Rantzer
of Ericsson Foresight claims: "New communication senses will be
needed in the future to enable people to absorb the enormous mass of
information with which they are confronted," According to him the
user interfaces we use today to transmit information to our brains
threaten create a real bottleneck for new broadband services. "The
boundaries of what constitutes consumer electronics and computers are
getting blurred," said Gerard J. Kleisterlee, the chief executive of
Royal Philips Electronics. "As we get wireless networking in the
home, everything starts to talk to everything." Implementing digital
connecitivity in an analogue environment without a design for all the
senses , without a concept of corporal literacy, leads to information
overload. In a ubiquitous computing environment the new intelligence
is extelligence, "knowledge and tools that are outside people's
heads" (Stewart and Cohen, 1997) In a ubiquitous computing
environment the user has to be not only textually and visually
literate, both also have corporal literacy, that is an awareness of
extelligence and a working knowledge of all the senses. It is our
claim in staking out a field of corporal literacy that in
contemporary performance and theatrical practice we find an
actualization of (and ways of dealing with) the bottleneck scenarios
that are envisaged by information experts.
At Big Consumer Electronics Show, the Buzz Is All About
Connections January 13, 2003 By SAUL HANSELL,
A workshop/panel in the Conference: MULTILITERACIES: THE CONTACT ZONE
2003 International AILA Conference on Literacy
Submit abstracts by email in an attachment to kranenbu at xs4all.nl and
maaike.bleeker at hum.uva.nl. Remember to give the name(s) of the
author(s), affiliation, e-mail address, phone number, fax number and
50 word biodate.
Location: Ghent, Belgium
Date: 22-27 September 2003
Call Deadline: 28 March, 2003
Contact Persons: Rob van Kranenburg - Maaike Bleeker
Contact Email: kranenbu at xs4all.nl - maaike.bleeker at hum.uva.nl
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 28 March, 2003.
Notification of acceptance: 31 April, 2003.
Program available: 15 August, 2003.
Early bird registration: before 28 March, 2003
Details regarding the program, registration and hotel accommodation
will be sent out in February 2003. If you submit an abstract, you
will automatically receive this information
web: http://simsim.rug.ac.be/staff/rob
mail: kranenbu at xs4all.nl
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