[Air-l] AoiR 4.0 Broadening the Band

Steve Jones sjones at uic.edu
Thu Jul 10 12:43:47 PDT 2003

To piggyback onto Liss's announcement, for those who have had 
concerns about SARS, WHO lifted its advisory for Toronto, and the 
U.S. CDC lifted its travel alert for Toronto, as more than 30 days 
(or three SARS incubation periods) have elapsed since the date of 
onset of symptoms for the last case.

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as can make it to the 
conference, and thanks to Liss and her group for all of their efforts 
to make the conference a terrific one!


At 3:18 PM -0400 7/10/03, Liss Jeffrey wrote:
>Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-75BD6DAB; 
>charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>Greetings to all
>Our AoiR conference team is looking forward to welcoming all of you 
>here in Toronto for our annual conference, October 16 - 19. Come 
>early or stay longer if you can. The pre conference workshops take 
>place on October 15.
>Please note that the early bird registration closes on July 15th, so 
>we hope that you will signal your intention to come (and save some 
>money) by signing up now. 
><http://order.kagi.com/cgi-bin/store.cgi?storeID=5WS1&&> or click 
>into it from the front page of the Conference web site 
>www.ecommons.net/aoir . We are updating our conference web site 
>frequently, and will be adding the roommate finder (thanks Jeremy), 
>and an easier to navigate program guide soon. You who have done this 
>organizing for AoiR before know that it is always a lot more work 
>than (as volunteers) you are quite prepared to handle. If anyone 
>wants to add a pre conference workshop, please do contact our 
>coordinator, Olivia Robertson - U of T 
><olivia.robertson at utoronto.ca> and the committee will consider your 
>request. So far we have planned some fine workshops which will 
>charge a fee, and a free local labs tour. Details soon on the web 
>site. All is coming along, if a bit more slowly than we might like. 
>We appreciate any help that has been supplied so far.
>Take care. Liss Jeffrey, PhD
>McLuhan Program, KMDI, University of Toronto
>aoir at ecommons.net

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