[Air-l] Website Discourse analysis

Shannon O'Lear solear at uiuc.edu
Tue Jun 24 13:42:01 PDT 2003


Can anyone suggest references for scholarly work that has examined
discourses of websites? I am working on a project analyzing official
websites (e.g., embassy websites)  of newly independent states.
References on prior work and related methodolgies would be greatly

I am not a regular member of this list, so please respond to me directly
at    solear at uiuc.edu.

Thanks in advance,

Shannon O'Lear
Assistant Professor of Geography -- 
Department of Geography, MC 150 -- 
Room 220 Davenport Hall -- 
607 South Mathews Avenue  -- 
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign --   
Urbana, IL  61801-3671  -- 
E-mail solear at uiuc.edu  -- 
Tel.  217.244.9028  -- 
Fax. 217.244.1785 

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