[Air-l] June, 2003 AoIR Executive Committee Report
Steve Jones
sjones at uic.edu
Mon Jun 23 07:32:16 PDT 2003
[My apologies...the previous post of this was for some reason
truncated, here is the full report. -Sj]
June 20, 2003
Report of the a(o).i.r. executive committee
Prepared by Steve Jones
AoIR Executive Committee
President: Steve Jones
Vice-President: Nancy Baym
Secretary: Ulla Bunz
Treasurer: Benjamin Bates
Open Seats: David Silver and Barry Wellman
Appointed Seats: Matthew Allen and Leslie Shade
Student Seat: Lisbeth Klastrup
Publications Officers: Jeremy Hunsinger and Charlie Breindahl
2003 Conference Chair: Liss Jeffrey
2003 Conference Program Co-Chairs: Matthew Allen and David Mitchell
Ethics Working Group Chair: Charles Ess
Elections Working Group Chair: Mia Consalvo
Net Resources Working Group Chair: Charlie Breindahl
1. Introduction & General (Jones)
Below is the monthly report from AoIR executive committee members. If
you aren't reading this...well, you ought to be. I know it can get
lengthy, and it can get detailed, but it's the single best way to
know what AoIR is up to, and to find ways to get involved with it (in
any number of ways from contacting the people who report to
volunteering to work on something you see mentioned to making
suggestions to...).
2. Executive Officers' Reports
2.1 President (Jones)
2.1.1 The election process for AoIR executive offices is now under
way. I will post a longer, separate email message about it soon, but
suffice here for me to remind you of the timeilne:
3. VOTING PERIOD BEGINS: July 14, 2003
4. VOTING PERIOD ENDS: July 28, 2003
5. NEW COMMITTEE ASSUMES DUTIES: At the end of the General Meeting at
the fourth annual AoIR conference, October 16 - 19, 2003.
2.1.2 As you will see below conference planning is well under way. I
am delighted (and not just for reasons associated with our
conference) that WHO announced last week that SARS appears to have
been generally contained (today the announcement was that not only
Toronto but Hong Kong, too, is free of SARS) and cases are on the
decline. I will hope to see as many of you as can join us in Toronto
in October.
2.1.3 If you have not yet registered for the conference or made a
hotel reservation I encourage you to do so as soon as possible. Early
registration fees are only in effect for a couple or so more weeks,
and our hotel space is held for a limited amount of time. Please
mention that you are registering for AoIR when you book your room at
the Toronto Hilton (or use our Block Code - ASSA110703). As I have
stated other times/other places, as AoIR has grown we have had to
search for larger and larger meetings spaces, precluding most
prospective college/university venues. This year we are meeting at a
hotel in an urban area, and we have to meet the minimum occupancy
with which we are able to use its meeting rooms - if we don't meet
that occupancy rate then we'll have to increase the registration
fees, to cover additional cost of the meeting rooms. The AoIR rate
may be a few dollars more than the most discounted rate that you
could get on your own, but that few dollars is in support of the
facilities at the Hilton that we are using. I appreciate everyone's
support of the conference and of AoIR.
2.1.4 While on the topic of support, I would like to reiterate some
of the quite tangible benefits of AoIR membership. As a paying member
of the Association of Internet Reseachers, you are entitled to a
number of discounted journal subscriptions and book discounts.
Journal Discounts:
*The Information Society: An International Journal
*Information, Communication and Society
*e-Service Journal
*CyberPsychology and Behavior
* New Media & Society
Routledge Cyberstudies catalog
These are described in greater detail at http://aoir.org/benefits.html.
2.2 Vice President (Baym)
2.2.1 Participated in election planning and candidate encouraging.
2.3 Secretary (Bunz)
2.3.1 Counted votes, participated in discussions (below), and been
waiting for warm
May 15 - June 15, 2003
This month on the executive list:
- The AoIR election process has begun. Nominations were
collected until June
13. Starting June 20, an online open discussion forum will be available for
AoIR members and non-members to interact with nominees. Position statements
and biographical information will be available online too. Details and URLs
will be posted to air-l within the next week.
- Along those lines, the exec has been monitoring nominations
and has been
sharing public information with air-l.
- The exec has been discussing creating a conference blog for
the upcoming
conference in Toronto. Jeremy Hunsinger from the exec committee and Jason
Nolan from the Toronto local committee are collaborating on this and it will
happen. In addition, the exec is considering a list of blogs available from
the air website.
- The exec continues to monitor the SARS situation in Toronto but at this
point does not foresee any problems for our conference scheduled for October.
- The exec has noted suggestions about organizing conferences
in countries
that have few visa requirements, and/or non-first-world countries.
- The exec has discussed ways in which the association can
financially support
people with lower incomes who would like to attend our conferences or become
members. Unfortunately, at this point we are not able to subsidize travel or
fees. Subscribing to and participating on air-l is and will remain free.
The executive committee has been considering various options for
improving accessibility to its conferences.
- Jeremy Hunsinger announced that air-l is up to approximately 1300
subscribers now, so draft your messages carefully as they will reach a wide
- The exec has been in touch with the local conference
organizers about the
final (online) conference program and similar conference-related issues.
- The exec has continued its discussion for the local host for the 2004
conference and things are looking good. The exec voted unanimously in favor of
the proposed site. The announcement for the 2004 conference will be made at
the Toronto conference during the General Meeting. Discussions about sites for
2005 and 2006 are in progress. Bids may be submitted at any time to Steve
- The exec has been discussing the possible institution of an advisory
committee for agenda setting, but is still uncertain as to its members, adding
an additional layer to the organizational hierarchy, etc.
- The exec has continued its discussions on increasing quality at the
conference and in submission reviewing, and continuing its outreach and growth
in a natural way.
Ulla Bunz, Secretary
2.4 Treasurer (Bates)
2.4.1 Been on vacation (supposedly) most of the last month,
though after some struggle and a lot of help from Jeremy,
managed to stay largely connected and to keep up with
conference and membership payments. Will be back
in the office next week.
2.5 Open Seats (Silver, Wellman)
2.5.1 Silver: took part in various discussions regarding the election;
discussed ideas regarding the conference.
2.5.2 Wellman: Particiapting in exec committee deliberations.
Watching brief on SARS.
Lecturing about AoIR activities in Finland.Spent a good deal of time
keeping abreast of SARS situation (and media scare elsewhere), and
advising the Exec Committee and the Program Chair. Contributed to the
ongoing deliberations of the Executive Committee.
2.6 Appointed Seats (Allen, Shade)
2.6.1 Allen: Less activity with respect to the conference this month.
Mainly it has been
chasing up details from presenters; finalising program; interacting with
Conference Organiser to get program online.
2.6.2 Shade: Nothing to report.
2.7 Student Seat (Klastrup)
2.7.1 Nothing to report (been to Australia at conference)
2.8 Publications Officers (Hunsinger, Breindahl)
2.8.1 Hunsinger: this month has been election month, i've been busy:
managing the nomination process, and am collecting the nominee info
at nominate at aoir.org
working with Charlie to get some bugs out of the website
helping as necessary with conference stuff.
posting election updates to air-l
working on the aoir.org email system to lower spam rates and resolve
other issues.
responding to things on the executive list
thinking about future conferences and how to manage them
and trying to get some conversation going on air-l over the summer.
2.8.2 Breindahl: I have mainly discarded spam, which comes in
ever-increasing numbers. As Jerry Pournelle says: "Spammers have got
beyond the bounds of civilization. When you rob a million people of a
minute, you have wasted two man years. [...] The First Amendment has
nothing to do with this. You have the right to speak, but you don't
have the right to make me listen at the cost of my own time."
Also, on a happier note, I have updated the book list and put a new
version of our logo on the aoir.org site.
2.9 2003 Conference (Liss Jeffrey, Chair; Matthew Allen, David
Mitchell, Program Co-Chairs)
2.9.1 Dr Liss Jeffrey: The Toronto committee is hard at work, with
new volunteers signing on to help out. Contact us at
aoir at ecommons.net if you would like to join us. The Early Bird
registration will now be extended to July 15, 2003. Please check the
web site for information including the conference registration
number. The early program will soon go online at
www.ecommons.net/aoir. Matt Allen (who with his reviewers has done a
tremendous job) remains the contact on all program-related issues. If
you would like to propose a pre conference workshop, just drop us a
line specifying topic, outline of seminar and time required,
equipment or facility needs, expected or desired audience numbers,
who you know locally (if anyone) who might help you with local
logistics, who you expect would be most interested in your
workshop/demonstration, and information on yourself and your
background. This week we will be contacting all those who have
submitted proposals to ask a few more questions or to confirm
participation (Olivia Robertson is point person on this file and she
will be in touch). The conference web site will be updated frequently
so please check in. This week we will be adding the frequently asked
questions (hotel, travel Rhiannon Bury is point on this rhiannon Bury
<rbury at wlu.ca>). If there is a topic that we have not addressed, let
us know and we will get it on there. Contact our point person on web
informatics (Christie Hurrell: christie at ecommons.net ). Special
thanks to Eric George, who has joined the steering/working committee
and has helped all of us ensure that our Francophone members are
included. Would you like to see a conference blog start now? Would
you contribute? If so, please contact graig at ecommons.net Much more to
come. Liss Jeffrey, conference chair.
2.9.2 Mitchell: No report.
2.10 AoIR Ethics Working Group (Charles Ess, Chair)
2.10.1 As part of a conference on ethical guidelines for
socio-economic research
(The RESPECT conference, June 12-13, Budapest), I was invited to comment on
proposed guidelines in light of the AoIR ethics working committee´s
guidelines, research, and approaches.
The RESPECT Project is funded by the European Union´s Directorate-General
for Research, and has already developed a range of resources for research
ethics in medical and social sciences - of interest, of course, because of
their necessarily multi-cultural foundations and orientation. Both resources
and planned guidelines will be useful for further reflection on Internet
research ethics. I will post a more complete summary of the conference,
including a preliminary resource list, to both the ethics working committee
and the air-list as soon as I can upon my return to the States.
2.11 AoIR Research Annual Working Group (Mia Consalvo, Chair)
2.11.1 The AoIR Annual has come back from copy-editing, and all
contributors have
been forwarded their chapters to make the suggested revisions. Once that is
done, the manuscript goes back to the publisher (Peter Lang) and into
2.12 AoIR Net Resources Working Group (Charlie Breindahl, Chair)
2.12.1 There has been no activity in the 'Net WG.
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