[Air-l] 2003 International Conference on CYBERWORLDS
Merlyna Lim
merlyn at bdg.centrin.net.id
Sat Mar 1 09:15:45 PST 2003
FYI, apology for crossposting
2003 International Conference on CYBERWORLDS
3-5 December 2003, Marina Mandarin Hotel, Singapore
organized by:
School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
in cooperation with:
IEEE Computer Society
Call for Submissions
Cyberworlds are information worlds being formed on the web either
intentionally or spontaneously, with or without design. As information
worlds, they are either virtual or real, and can be both. In terms of
information modelling, the theoretical ground for the cyberworlds is far
above the level of integrating spatial database models and temporal
database models. This conference will deal with large distributed
information worlds in the web as well as methods and tools used for
creating such worlds. The conference topics include but are not limited
to the following areas:
Group A: Cyber Concepts, Architectures and Algorithms
Philosophy and disciplines
Methodologies of cybergenesis
Cyberworlds and their impact on the real world
Cyberethics and cyberlaws
Datamining and warehousing in cyberworlds
Distributed simulation
Distributed virtual environments
Shared and virtual worlds
Simulation and visualisation for cyberpresentations
Computer vision and augmented reality for cyberworlds
Intelligent agents and robotics
Group B: Applications, Case Studies, and Industrial Practices
Bioinformatics for cyberlife and medicine
Healthcare in cyberworlds
Cyberworlds for bioengineering
Cyberinformation systems
E-business in cyberworlds
Cyberworlds for education
Cyberworlds for manufacturing
Cyber fairs
Cyber museums
Cyber parenting
Multi-user web games
CW2003 will provide an opportunity for scientists, engineers, and
researchers from around the world to share the latest research, ideas,
and developments in these fields. The conference will consist of formal
paper sessions, tutorials, industrial seminars and hands-on
demonstrations where research groups and vendors will show the
state-of-the-art in the field. Paper submission is to be done
electronically through the Submission page.
Keynote talks:
* Tosiyasu L. Kunii (Hosei University, Japan)
"Cyberworlds as the Leading Power of World Evolution"
* Daniel Thalmann (Virtual Reality Lab, EPFL, Switzerland)
"Believable Cyberpeople: A True Challenge for the Decade"
* Anatoly T. Fomenko (Moscow State University, Russia),
"Computer geometry for singularities in dynamical systems with
Industrial seminars and exhibitions:
* Silicon Graphics Inc.
* Hewlett-Packard Company
* Christie Digital Systems, USA Inc.
* NTUC Income
The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer
Society. Extended versions of select papers will be also printed in
special issues of Computers & Graphics (28:4, 2004),
The Journal of Visualization & Computer Animation, and
The International Journal of Distance Education Technologies
If you want to receive the original poster and the conference flyers,
email your request to cw2003 at ntu.edu.sg
Important Dates
Seminar/exhibition proposals: Potential sponsors are welcome
Abstract: 5 May 2003
Paper/tutorial submission: 12 May 2003
Notice of Acceptance: 4 Aug 2003
Camera-ready paper: 1 Sep 2003
Contact Information
CW 2003 Secretariat:
Ms Merlin Toh
Conference Management Centre/CCE
Nanyang Technological University
Administration Annex Building #04-06
Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639815
Phone: +65-6790-4723
Fax: +65-6793-0997
Email: cw2003 at ntu.edu.sg
Program Chair:
Alexei Sourin, assourin at ntu.edu.sg
phone: +65 6790 4292, fax: +65 6792 6559
School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
Blk N4, #2a-32, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
General Conference Co-Chairs:
Tosiyasu Laurence Kunii, tosi at kunii.com
Seah Hock Soon, ashsseah at ntu.edu.sg
Conference web-site:
website: www.geocities.com/olohok_99
email: merlyn at bdg.centrin.net.id
Research Fellow Ph.D. candidate
SCoT Research Group Technology & Society Studies
Bandung University of Twente
Indonesia Enschede - The Netherlands
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