[Air-l] March, 2003 AoIR Executive Committee Report

Steve Jones sjones at uic.edu
Mon Mar 17 08:50:22 PST 2003

March 17, 2003
Report of the a(o).i.r. executive committee
Prepared by Steve Jones

AoIR Executive Committee
President: Steve Jones
Vice-President: Nancy Baym
Secretary: Ulla Bunz
Treasurer: Benjamin Bates
Open Seats: David Silver and Barry Wellman
Appointed Seats: Matthew Allen and Leslie Shade
Student Seat: Lisbeth Klastrup
Publications Officers: Jeremy Hunsinger and Charlie Breindahl
2003 Conference Chair: Liss Jeffrey
2003 Conference Program Co-Chairs: Matthew Allen and David Mitchell
Ethics Working Group Chair: Charles Ess
Elections Working Group Chair: Mia Consalvo
Net Resources Working Group Chair: Charlie Breindahl

1.  Introduction & General (Jones)

Below is the monthly report from AoIR executive committee members. If 
you aren't reading this...well, you ought to be. I know it can get 
lengthy, and it can get detailed, but it's the single best way to 
know what AoIR is up to, and to find ways to get involved with it (in 
any number of ways from contacting the people who report to 
volunteering to work on something you see mentioned to making 
suggestions to...).

2.  Executive Officers' Reports

2.1 President (Jones)

2.1.1 Several important matters are coming up that I urge AoIR 
members to attend to. One is a vote on a dues increase, information 
about it will be sent in an email to members. Another very important 
matter is that of upcoming elections for AoIR executive offices. A 
call for nominations will soon be distributed, and I urge you to 
consider running for office.

2.2 Vice President (Baym)

2.2.1 Have been working backstage on arranging future conferences, 
revising conference planning guide, and generally making sure things 
continue to go well for the association.

2.3 Secretary (Bunz)

2.3.1 This month on the executive list:
.	Discussion of the submission process (including discussion of
submitter feedback), which resulted in clarification of submission
procedures and an extension of the deadline until March 10, as posted to
air-l and on the website.
.	Discussion of the student award details. In conclusion, in order
to qualify for the student award a student paper may NOT be co-authored
by a faculty. A student must be a student by the time the paper is
submitted (but may have graduated by the time the paper is presented).
Two students may submit a collaborative paper. Student papers not
submitted for the award need not comply with these criteria.
.	The ethics committee shared  a list of potential additions to
the committee. Overall, the executive committee was supportive of the
.	Program chair Matt Allen submitted a list of issues to be
discussed and possibly be improved upon for next year's
conference/program organizing.
.	Specific reviewing issues were delegated to Matt Allen and
air-con, which is now active.

2.4 Treasurer (Bates)

2.4.1 Keeping up with memberships, and trying to follow air-exec.

2.5 Open Seats (Silver, Wellman)

2.5.1 Silver: I've spent most of my time trying to catch up with the 
whirlwind that is
conference planning, proposal submissions, etc.  AIR 4.0 promises to be a
great conference.

2.5.2 Wellman: Working on special events for the October conference 
in Toronto. Giving quondum advice on Exec committee. Working with 
student collaborators in prepping papers for Toronto October

2.6 Appointed Seats (Allen, Shade)

2.6.1 Allen: No report.

2.6.2 Shade: Nothing to report. Except reminded Canadians about the 
AOIR deadline.

2.7 Student Seat (Klastrup)

2.7.1 Nothing to report.

2.8 Publications Officers (Hunsinger, Breindahl)

2.8.1 Hunsinger: Swamped in conference stuff, looks like everyone is 
taken care of in terms of submissions, thanks for everyone's patience 
and good will.

2.8.2 Breindahl:  I have monitored our e-mail distribution lists and 
maintained aoir.org.

2.9 2003 Conference (Liss Jeffrey, Chair; Matthew Allen, David 
Mitchell, Program Co-Chairs)

2.9.1 Jeffrey (with her team: Katherine Parrish, Jason Nolan, Alex 
Kuskis, and steering committee chair Barry Wellman): Nothing to 

2.9.2 Mitchell: Nothing to report.

2.10  AoIR Ethics Working Group (Charles Ess, Chair)

2.10.1 The ethics working committee has approved several new members 
to fill vacancies resulting from general attrition (resignations to 
pursue other projects, etc.).  The new members are Maria Bakardjieva, 
Janne Bromseth, Radhika Gajjala, Takanori Tamura, Michele White. Our 
committee will move forward on taking up new ethical concerns not 
addressed in the current ethics statement, as well as expand
the national/cultural perspectives included in our approach to such 
ethical issues.

Suggestions from the AoIR membership - including relatively detailed 
accounts based on researchers' own recent work - for what issues, 
problems,challenges, etc., we might consider are welcome!

2.11 AoIR Research Annual Working Group (Mia Consalvo, Chair)

2.11.1 This past month the working group sent out invitations to over 
30 potential
contributors to the volume. Response was very positive, and most agreed to
contribute. The committee also discussed how to organize the book, opting
for a thematic focus, with papers within each theme organized by conference
year. We also agreed to have section introductions and a history of aoir
included in the volume. We are also working with the publisher, beginning
the paperwork necessary to move things along, and waiting now for completed
manuscripts to arrive. Once manuscripts come in, they will be sent out to
the publisher for copyediting.

2.12 AoIR Net Resources Working Group (Charlie Breindahl, Chair)

2.12.1 There has been no activity in the 'Net WG.

------------------------------------end of executive committee 

The Association of Internet Researchers is a scholarly association 
dedicated to the advancement of the cross-disciplinary field of 
Internet studies. It is a resource and support network promoting 
critical and scholarly Internet research independent from traditional 
disciplines and existing across academic borders. The association is 
international in scope.

The association's web site is at http://www.aoir.org. Membership 
information is available at http://aoir.org/airjoin.html

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