[Air-l] comparative access statistics

Janne Bromseth janne.bromseth at hf.ntnu.no
Thu Mar 20 04:45:24 PST 2003

Hi all -
I am searching for some comparative statistics on Internet access and use, 
in particular looking at developmental patterns in the United States vs 
Europe, (my qualitative analysis of Nordic discussion groups needs som hard 
numbers in  trying to contextualize their outgrowth in the bigger 
historical picture and I have been lazy, and need to document (what I hope 
is right here!) if north-americans expanded usage before us, generally 
speaking, to make probable my qualitative impression that these more 'local 
cultural oriented groups' relating to the Nordic countries came later than 
the north-american-dominated international groups...
So statistics from the beginning of the 90-ties and forward and with 
numbers from both the US and Europe would be great!
(most of what I've looked into very quickly now is from the last 3 years..)

It suddenly became an urgent matter, just about to finish an article and 
it's kind of important to be correct on these issues.. ;)

Thanks so much for any help!

All the best
Janne Bromseth

Janne C.H. Bromseth 		 	
Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning/
Institutt for tverrfaglige kulturstudier
Center for feminist- and genderstudies/Department of Interdisciplinary 
Studies of Culture,
NTNU, 7491 Dragvoll				
Tlf.: 73 591388(j/w) 73 521681 (p) 99573225 (m)
URL: http://www.hf.ntnu.no/itk/kv_bromseth/bromseth-index.htm

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