[Air-l] Forward: [eccr] US and Europe see different wars

meiwu at umac.mo meiwu at umac.mo
Thu Mar 27 20:31:37 PST 2003

----- Forwarded by MeiWu/UMAC on 03/28/03 12:30 PM -----
                      Jan Servaes                                                                           
                      <freenet002 at pi.be>        To:       ECCR Mailing list <eccr at listserv.vub.ac.be>       
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                      owner-eccr at listser        Subject:  [eccr] US and Europe see different wars           
                      03/26/03 05:42 AM                                                                     

US and Europe see different wars
American audiences are seeing and reading about a different
war than the rest of the world.  The news coverage in
Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, reflects and defines the
widening perception gap about the motives for this war.
Americans, meanwhile, are hearing commentary on military
strategy and the human interest angles on soldier life in
the desert.  Some analysts say that because press ownership
is less concentrated in Europe than in the US, the European
media are providing more perspectives than either the Arab
or American outlets.  In Frankfurt, for example, readers
have access to 16 different German-language newspapers -
many of which present different vantage points, which makes
for a more lively and varied debate.  European journalists
also seem to ask different, more skeptical, questions about
the war, often being the ones at White House and Pentagon
press conferences to ask whether the invasion of Iraq has
turned up any of the weapons of mass destruction that were
used to justify the invasion - even as their American
counterparts repeatedly focus on such questions as whether
Saddam Hussein is alive or dead.  Media watchers say the
European press has tended to be more balanced than the US
media in dealing with the war, in part because Europe is so
much closer to the Muslim world.

Source: http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/0325/p01s04-woiq.html - Christian
Science Monitor

Israel censors news sites
Israel's News and Media Censorship Office has warned all
online publishers not to print any home security details
during the war on Iraq.  In what is thought to be a first,
Israel's chief military censor has apparently written a
letter telling the web magazine Scoops Forum that it must
not publish any details of missile landing locations,
missile types, any cabinet discussions relating to the war,
or any information on Israeli army operations in any sector.
Ironically, web publishers can circumvent all attempts at
monitoring by using services such as anonymizer.com to
publish sites through servers in other countries.  Brigadier
General Rachel Dolev's letter said: "Given the current
security situation, you are reminded that it is required to
submit [for the Censor's review] all materials that could
pose a threat to the security of the State of Israel and its

Source: http://www.journalism.co.uk/news/story603.html - Journalism.co.uk

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