[Air-l] peace
Wendy Robinson
wgrobin at uc.edu
Thu Mar 20 12:44:13 PST 2003
Cincinnati is unproudly as conservative as Seattle is liberal for reasons I
don't want to go into (we can start with race relations and a proactive
police force though). Nevertheless there have been war protests here, the
local independent weekly is full of outrage, folks on campus seem as
anti-war as ambivalent (only a few people I've talked with are solidly
hawk, and they are undergraduates who haven't experienced war).
What I find uncomfortable in the mainstream media is how quickly a chilling
effect has settled in. Even those democratic senators speaking out about
Bush's lip service at "diplomacy" a few days ago likely will quiet down
now. The press has to cover the events and not be perceived as
unpatriotic. But if anyone is likely to kill or be responsible for the
death of Americans now, it's Bush. And those servicemen and women (and
innocents, if there are terrorist retaliations) have extended families back
home who want to believe in the president and feel pride in their efforts
on behalf of the country.* Those families are voters. So it will be
interesting to see who in Washington is still willing to speak up, even
this time next week.
I copy and paste from the close of Bush's Orwellian address to the
nation: "My fellow citizens, the dangers to our country and the world will
be overcome. We will pass through this time of peril and carry on the work
of peace. We will defend our freedom. We will bring freedom to others. And
we will prevail."
Wendy Robinson wgrobin at uc.edu
Asst Prof, Dept of Comm wgrobin at fuse.net
Univ of Cincinnati homepages.uc.edu/~robinswg
620C Teachers College, ML #02-0317 tel: 513-556-4468
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0184 fax: 513-556-0899
At 12:01 PM 3/20/03 -0500, you wrote:
>Message: 1
>Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 14:19:47 -0800 (PST)
>From: david silver <dsilver at u.washington.edu>
>To: air-l at aoir.org
>Subject: [Air-l] peace
>Reply-To: air-l at aoir.org
>i attach a few preemptive apologies to this post: apologies if the topic
>strays from what some believe to be appropriate discussion areas for the
>list, apologies for leaping to a soapbox to exclaim a personal position.
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