[Air-l] Canonical Readers

Fred Turner fturner at stanford.edu
Thu May 29 13:40:21 PDT 2003

Hi All --

	 Some of my favorite readers include:

Bell, The Cybercultures Reader

Herman and Swiss, The World Wide Web and Contemporary Cultural Theory

Kolko, Nakamura and Rodman, Race in Cyberspace

Levidow and Robins, Cyborg Worlds

	These are just the ones right here by my desk. For a more thorough view, 
you might search the syllabus archives at the Resource Center for 
Cyberculture Studies.

-- Fred
Fred Turner
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Communication
Building 120
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2050
O) 650-723-0706
Fax) 650-725-2472
fturner at stanford.edu 

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