[Air-l] Seen Any Good McLuhan Cites Lately?

Wendy Robinson wgrobin at uc.edu
Sat May 31 18:11:15 PDT 2003

I'm trying to track down references (particularly fresh ones) to McLuhan's 
idea that media act as sensory extensions, as referenced in the subtitle to 
_Understanding Media_.   At this time, I'm not especially interested in the 
global village or in his idea that the medium is the message or in the 
other stuff easier to find on McLuhan.

If you have suggestions and could please send them to me off-list, I would 
greatly appreciate it.  If the AoIR list is interested in the cumulative 
results, I will be glad to share the list that results at a later time.

Wendy Robinson
wgrobin at uc.edu
Asst Prof, Comm Dept
Univ of Cincinnati

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