[Air-l] internet linguistic variety citations desired

Nancy Baym nbaym at ku.edu
Tue May 6 12:58:18 PDT 2003

Elijah Wright asks for citations regarding the dominance of English 
on the internet.

http://www.glreach.com/globstats/index.php3 has great stats on online 
They have English at about 35% of online language at this point (no 
longer a majority, but still a plurality).

They've been tracking this info since 1995 and have summaries of the 
growth of Non-English languages here: 
Nancy Baym 	http://www.ku.edu/home/nbaym
Communication Studies, University of Kansas
102 Bailey Hall, 1440 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, KS 66045, USA
Association of Internet Researchers: http://aoir.org

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