[Air-l] internet linguistic variety citations desired

Pille Vengerfeldt pille at meso.ee
Wed May 7 03:06:47 PDT 2003

On Tue, 6 May 2003, elijah wright wrote:

To join in to your discussion, I must add some points to Elijah's side.

 OECD measured secure connections in their 2002 digital divide report and 
they came up with the amazing number of 89.9% English language dominance. 
(secure connections are the bones needed for e-commerce and any more 
secure transactions) http://www.oecd.org/pdf/M00002000/M00002444.pdf 

Secondly: I am Estonian and being relatively fluent in Estonian and
English, I do see how much smaller the cyberspace gets when you speak just
one language. So, it is not just how many dfferent first-language speakers
are there, but also about what language is used in content provision. So 
next to the people, there is need also for counting the sites themselves.

Thirdly: To Elijah, I can probably find some citations towards the third 
group of your request, but it takes me some time and I need to translate 
them from Estonian to English :-) But in few days, if the request is still 
relevant by that time.

Pille Vengerfeldt

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