[Air-l] PDC2004-CFP-Toronto, July 27-31

Charlie Breindahl hitch at hum.ku.dk
Tue Nov 11 02:36:05 PST 2003

Call For Participation - Please forward or post as appropriate

                            PDC 2004

                      the eighth biennial
                 Participatory Design Conference

                       Artful Integration
           Interweaving Media, Materials and Practices


                       July 27-31, 2004
                    University of Toronto
                       Toronto, Canada

Sponsored by Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR)

        In cooperation with the ACM and IFIP (pending)

Academic sponsors:
 Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI), University of Toronto  Faculty of
Information Studies (FIS), University of Toronto

Participatory Design (PD) is a diverse collection of principles and
practices aimed at making technologies and social institutions more
responsive to human needs. A central tenet of PD is the direct involvement
of people in the co-design of the systems they use.

The Participatory Design Conferences, held every two years since 1990, have
brought together a multidisciplinary and international group of software
developers, researchers, social scientists, designers, activists,
practitioners, users, citizens, cultural workers and managers who adopt
distinctively participatory approaches in the development of information and
communication artifacts, systems, services and technology.

Participatory design approaches have been used in traditional application
domains (such as computer systems for business, health care and
governmental) and are also relevant in emerging areas such as web-portal
design, e-government services, community networks, enterprise resource
planning, public (and other) CSCW (computer supported cooperative work)
systems, social administration & community development, university/community
partnerships, tele-health, communities of practice and political
deliberation / mobilization (e-democracy), digital arts and design,
scholarship and teaching with mediated technologies (e-learning), the
experience of a sense of place, cultural production and cultural
institutions. We further welcome submissions that explore the relationship
between PD approaches and the design of ICT (information and communication
technology) infrastructures such as open source projects, standards,
protocols, new media, policy, broadband and WiFi (Wireless Fidelity)
networks and the like, and how in turn they may enable and constrain the
possibilities for participation.

Participatory designers of ICT-applications may learn from, and, hopefully
contribute to, work in other fields, such as community and organizational
development, architecture, urban planning, policy development, media, design
and art, especially insofar as these fields increasingly use ICTs.

Participatory design approaches can be applied in various social settings
such as local communities, government agencies, civil society, NGOs, schools
and universities, companies, trade unions, etc. each with its own
distinctive stakeholder arenas and power relations.

The overall theme of the 2004 conference, "Artful Integration: Interweaving
Media, Materials and Practices" describes a central reality of participatory
design. It recognizes that an essential ingredient in design practice is the
working together of multiple, heterogeneous elements. Whereas conventional
design approaches emphasize the role of the designer and the creation of
singular "things," artful integration calls attention to the collective
interweaving of people, artifacts and processes to achieve practical,
aesthetic or emancipatory syntheses. The conference will include the
inauguration of the "Artful Integrators Award" for exemplary work in
participatory design.

We invite contributions on all aspects of participatory design, especially
those that address concerns discussed above. Share your artful integrations
with the broader community!

We invite submissions for the following types of sessions (described more
fully below):

+ Research papers (maximum 10 pages)
+ Short papers (maximum 4 pages) research works in progress,
 field experiences / stories from reflective practitioners, tools  and
techniques reports)
+ Pre-Conference workshops (2 page proposals)
+ Conference workshops (2 page proposals)
+ Artifacts, posters, interactive demonstrations, art installations
 (2 page proposals)
+ Tutorials (2 page proposals)
+ Doctoral consortium

Research Papers
Deadline: January 9, 2004

We aim to publish the accepted research papers in book form through an
academic publisher. High academic standards will be expected. Maximum length
of research papers is 10 pages. Each submitted paper will be double blind
reviewed by at least 3 reviewers. Authors are invited to suggest names and
contact information of one or two possible reviewers to supplement reviews
by Program Committee members. Such prospective reviewers should have
demonstrable expertise in the relevant field and be at arms-length from the
author(s) and the work presented.

Accepted papers should be revised according to the review reports and the
language should be checked by a native English speaker. Deadline for
submitting the camera-ready manuscript is May 10, 2004.

Short Papers (maximum 4 pages) (Chair: Joan Greenbaum)
Deadline: May 1, 2004

Short papers cover a range of possible formats and audiences

+ Research works in progress: research which is not yet ready to
 be evaluated in a peer review. Short papers could cover research  designs,
fieldwork, and/or preliminary research results.

+ Stories about experiences by reflective practitioners: we are
 especially interested in short papers in which practitioners  describe
their practical experiences with the (non) participation  of users. These
reports may be derived from a variety of settings,  but should as a general
feature describe the various stakeholders  in the design process, their
mutual interactions, and how they  were affected.

+ Tools and techniques reports: the description of tools and
 techniques, and of the application of these tools and  techniques, showing
their usability for participatory design.

+ Short papers are also welcome that fit the "pattern" format
 organized by problem, context, discussion, solution and references.

Pre-Conference Workshops (Chair Judith Gregory)
Deadline: January 23, 2004

Full- or half-day invitational workshops will be held Wednesday, July 28,
2004. The proposal should contain a title, goals, technique, relevance to PD
and a schedule. Intended participants and how they will be recruited should
also be described. Workshop topics can include methods, practices, or other
areas of interest. Note that fees may be charged to cover workshop expenses
(such as lunch, materials, or equipment set up) but workshop organizers are
not paid.

Conference Workshops (Chairs Peter Mambrey & Patricia Sachs)
Deadline: May 1, 2004

Conference workshops will be convened on July 30 from 2-5 PM. Attendees will
sign up for these workshops at the conference itself. Please submit a two
page proposal which includes title, goals, objectives, and methods for
making the workshop interactive with the participants. Please indicate as
the relevant background of the leaders, intended participants, the maximum
number of participants and whether you would need special equipment. Feel
encouraged to apply with others as a group.

Artifacts, interactive demonstrations, posters, art installations (Chairs
Yvonne Dittrich & Leah Lievrouw)
Deadline: May 1, 2004.

+ Artifacts. Proposals should be no longer than 2 pages and must
 be submitted electronically. The artifact proposal should contain  a title,
goals, technique, relevance to PD and a sketch or design,  as appropriate.
Please describe your plan for audience  participation.

+ Interactive Demonstrations. Proposals should be no longer than
 2 pages and must be submitted electronically. The artifact  proposal should
contain a title, goals, technique, relevance to  PD and a sketch, layout or
design, as appropriate. Please describe  your plan for audience

+ Posters. Proposals (1 page) should describe the topic, its
 relevance, the approach, and the results. During the conference  posters
will be displayed in several places. Please describe your  plan for audience

Power, internet connections, small table and vertical mounting surface will
be provided if requested and available. Please describe any other special

Tutorials (pre-conference) (Chair TBA)
Deadline: January 23, 2004

Full-day (6 hour) and half-day (3 hour) tutorials will be held Tuesday July
27, 2004. The proposal should contain a title, goals, technique, relevance
to PD and a tutorial schedule. Please describe any handouts that you intend
to make available in the proposal. Please include a budget for tutorial
expenses (lunch, materials, equipment set up, for
example) in your proposal. Fees will be charged, with tutorial organizers
receiving surplus over tutorial expenses.

Doctoral consortium (Chairs: Jeanette Blomberg & Finn Kensing)

A full day, invitational doctoral consortium will be held Tuesday, July 27,
2004. Doctoral candidates are invited to contact the one of the session
co-chairs for further details. <blomberg at almaden.ibm.com> <kensing at itu.dk>.

General submission information:

+ Submissions should be formatted according to the requirements
 specific to each type of submission as listed on the conference  website
and sent electronically to the chairs using the upload  facility to be found

+ Each submission will include a cover sheet with title, submission
 type, submitter name(s) and affiliation(s), address(es) and email

+ Receipt notification will follow over email.

+ All accepted contributions will be posted on appropriate web sites
 and published in book form provided to conference participants as  part of
the conference fee.

+ Volume I of the Proceedings will consist of the research papers
 and be published by an academic publisher. Additional details  including
formatting instructions will be available soon on the  PDC 2004 web site

+ Volume II of the Proceedings will include all the other accepted
 contributions in the traditional PDC-format.

More details can be found on the conference website or by contacting the
Program co-Chairs or the Chair of the appropriate session.



+ January 9 Due date for research paper submissions
+ January 23 Due date for pre-conference workshops and tutorials 
+ February 7 Acceptance notification for workshops and tutorials March 
+ 15 Acceptance notification to authors of research papers May 10 Due 
+ date for Final Proceedings Vol1 versions of research
+ May 1 Due date for short papers/posters/artifacts/demos/conference
 workshop submissions
+ May 15 Acceptance notification short papers/posters/artifacts/demos/
 conference workshop presenters
+ May 22 Early registration date
+ June 1 Due date for final Proceedings Vol2 versions of
 pre-conference and conference workshops and other submissions
+ July 27-31 PDC 2004

The ACM SIGCHI conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS2004) takes
place August 1-4, immediately following PDC2004 in Cambridge, MA, 1 1/2 hrs
by air from Toronto. More information is available at:

Conference Co-Chairs:
 Andrew Clement, University of Toronto, Canada
 Peter van den Besselaar, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts
   and Sciences, Netherlands
Program Co-chairs:
 Fiorella de Cindio, University of Milano, Italy
 Doug Schuler, The Evergreen State College, USA

Liam Bannon (Ireland), Thomas Binder (Sweden), Jeanette Blomberg (US), Tone
Bratteteig (Norway), Jacob Buur (Denmark), Debra Cash (US), Todd Cherkasky
(US), Andrew Clement (Canada), Peter Day (UK), Fiorella De Cindio (Italy),
Yvonne Dittrich (Sweden), Frank Emspak (US), Joan Greenbaum (US), Davydd
Greenwood (US), Judith Gregory (Norway), Robert Guerra (Canada), Michael
Gurstein (Canada), Bo Helgeson (Sweden), Vidar Hepsø (Norway), Finn Kensing
(Denmark), Sarah Kuhn (US), Leah Lievrow (US), Peter Mambrey (Germany),
Preben Holst Mogensen (Denmark), Gale Moore (Canada), Michael Muller (US)
Julian Orr (US), Norberto Patrignani (Italy), Volkmar Pipek (Germany), Rob
Procter (UK), Toni Robertson (Australia), Patricia Sacks (US), Partha Sarker
(invited-Bangladesh), Doug Schuler (US), Steve Scrivener (UK), Lucy Suchman
(UK), Randy Trigg (US), Peter van den Besselaar (Netherlands), Ina Wagner
(Austria), and Volker Wulf (Germany).

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