[Air-l] Service or Content Usage Theories

Philip Sidel psidel at iuj.ac.jp
Sun Nov 16 23:06:29 PST 2003

Is anyone on this list familiar with theories that specifically address 
USAGE of the Internet or related content and services?

I'm fully aware of theories that explain the intention to adopt, the 
decision to upgrade, and the decision to continue using a service.  But 
have there been any theories that have directly addressed usage patterns or 

I'd appreciate your help with this, as I don't like going into uncharted 

Philip Sidel
Assistant Professor of Marketing
The International University of Japan
Graduate School of International Management
Phone:  81-(0)25-779-1400
Fax: 81-(0)25-779-4443
Email: psidel at iuj.ac.jp

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