[Air-l] New PhD Program in Computation, Organizations, and Society (fwd)

Barry Wellman wellman at chass.utoronto.ca
Wed Nov 19 15:11:05 PST 2003



  Barry Wellman         Professor of Sociology        NetLab Director
  wellman at chass.utoronto.ca  http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman

  Centre for Urban & Community Studies          University of Toronto
  455 Spadina Avenue    Toronto Canada M5S 2G8    fax:+1-416-978-7162
	     To network is to live; to live is to network

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 16:53:59 -0500
From: Kathleen Carley <kathleen.carley at cmu.edu>
To: kathleen.carley at cmu.edu
Subject: New PhD Program in Computation, Organizations, and Society


Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science announces


Deadline for applications: January 5, 2004

The Ph.D. program in Computation, Organizations, and Society (COS) prepares students to be
tomorrow's leaders in constructing and evaluating technology that is particularly responsible
to societal, business, policy, and regulatory settings.  The Ph.D. program in COS trains
students to be leading scientists in this heavily sought area by providing students with
in-depth training not just in computation but also in fundamental approaches and techniques
for including networks of people, organizations and/or policies as additional constraints
during development.  Students engage in research aimed at developing emerging technology
with provable guarantees of the technology's appropriateness for specific social,
organizational, and/or legal settings.  The Ph.D. program in COS builds on a
multi-disciplinary team of world-class faculty.  It exposes students to traditional
tenets of computer and social science weaved with interdisciplinary coursework,
hands-on applications and cutting-edge research.  Research examples include privacy
technology, dynamic social networks and e-business.


The past decade has seen a tremendous increase in both the breadth and the complexity of
computational systems society has come to rely on. This increase in turn is giving rise
to a number of new and challenging societal, management and policy issues,
which themselves often call for new technological innovations. Examples
include privacy rights management, data privacy, electronic market mechanisms
and automated negotiation, real time estimation of social networks,
dynamic network modeling, scalable visualization of complex systems,
online dispute resolution, etc. Attacking these new problems requires
profound understanding of computation and the interplay between the managerial,
personal and policy networks in which technology operates. Unfortunately, current degree
programs in traditional disciplines (e.g. computer science, sociology, economics, policy
or management) fail to provide the kind of multi-disciplinary curriculum needed to train
tomorrow's leaders in this emerging area.  Today's demand for integrated expertise far
exceeds supply.  As demand for this new breed of researchers continues to grow, it
becomes increasingly important to offer a PhD program that fills the void.  We are
pleased to announce the first such program.


Students in the Ph.D. program in Computation, Organization and Society (COS)
are expected to come from industry, government or directly from undergraduate
programs. Students must have an undergraduate and/or master level degree in
any of the following areas: mathematics, computer science,
computational organization theory, physics,
information science/technology, biology, mathematics, or a
mathematical/computational social science, government or policy program.
In other words, students are expected to already have had a solid exposure
to computation and math/science and to some area of the social or managerial
sciences. Students apply to the program because of their desire to do research
at the confluence of computer science, management, social science, law and/or policy.
Students are expected to generally be pioneers who are unsatisfied with traditional
degree programs and have strong interest in interdisciplinary research incorporating
vigorous computational approaches.

More information available at: cos.cs.cmu.edu

Ph.D. Program in Computation, Organizations and Society
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
cos-phd at cs.cmu.edu, cos.cs.cmu.edu

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