[Air-l] Request for Resources: The Internet and Warfare

Alex Kuskis akuskis at ican.net
Tue Nov 4 13:56:37 PST 2003

I suggest that you look at Michael Ignatieff's (2000), Virtual War, NY:
Here is a quote from it:
"For the citizens of the NATO countries, on the other hand, the war
was virtual. They were mobilized not as combatants but as spectators.
The war was a spectacle: it aroused emotions in the intense but
shallow way that sports do. The events in question were as remote
from their essential concerns as a football game, and even though
the game was in deadly earnest, the deaths were mostly hidden, and
above all, they were someone else's. If war becomes unreal to the
citizens of modern democracies, will they care enough to restrain
and control the violence exercized in their name?"
- Michael Ignatieff, Virtual War" (2000, p. 3)

For network centric warfare, download
A Google search will find you lots of other material.

I think the individual you might be alluding to is a Captain Mark
Tempestilli of the U.S. Naval Academy. He used to be on the
Media Ecology list too and the email I have for him is tempesti at usna.edu
Alex Kuskis PhD Candidate, OISE/University of Toronto
Associate Faculty, Royal Roads University
Masters Program in Distributed Learning (MADL)
akuskis at ican.net ** alex.kuskis at royalroads.ca
"Learning a living" - Marshall McLuhan

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <andrew.herman at comcast.net>
To: "air-l" <air-l at aoir.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 9:10 AM
Subject: [Air-l] Request for Resources: The Internet and Warfare

> Friends-
> I have a graduate student who is currently working on a paper on the
Internet and the discourses and conduct of 21st centrury warfare.  Believe
it or not, we are having trouble finding academic writing on the topic.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
> One of the topics he/we are interested in is what the Department of
Defense calls "Network Centric Warfare".  Last spring, I remember there
being a post to the AIR listserv from an officer who was teaching the topic
at, I believe, the NAval War College. Does anybody know/remember this
person?  Is s/he still on the list.
> In any event, any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Andrew Herman
> --
> Visiting Professor and Research
> Fellow in Digital Communications
> and Cultural Policy
> Joint Graduate Program in
> Communication and Culture
> York University
> 4700 Keele St.TEL 3007
> Toronto, Ontario
> M3J 1P3
> (416)736-2100 x 30157
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