[Air-l] dr. jones hits the press again

Rhiannon Bury welshwitch75 at rogers.com
Wed Nov 5 10:00:39 PST 2003

Ed Lamoureux wrote:

> But just as libraries wouldn't think of dumping musty, out-of-print 
> books, Web designers shouldn't rush to remove yesteryear's castoffs, 
> said Steve Jones, a communications professor at the University of 
> Illinois at Chicago.
> "I do hear pretty frequently not so much that there's deadwood, but 
> that sites go away without a trace," Jones said.

Very annoying!  I did an ethnographic study with female fans of The 
X-Files. I went back to the official Fox site recently  to check on an 
episode date and the entire site has been removed. Instead you are sent 
to a site to buy the DVDs of the series. Apparently fans were outraged 
by this decision but Fox doesn't seem to care.

Rhiannon Bury, Ph.D.

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