[Air-l] Fwd:: CfP Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication Conference

Laurent Straskraba laurent at straskraba.net
Sun Nov 30 09:45:12 PST 2003

thank you very much, this call is awesome! most important issues for the 
future knowledge based & globally networked society & economy, i think.



At 17:57 30.11.2003, you wrote:
>See in particular the 2 special topics that have been added to the
>earlier call.
>This is a forwarded message
>From: catac at wirth.murdoch.edu.au <catac at wirth.murdoch.edu.au>
>To: Michel.Menou at wanadoo.fr
>Date: Sunday, November 30, 2003, 3:07:13 PM
>Subject: Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication Conference
>===8<==============Original message text===============
>Fourth International Conference on
>27 June-1 July 2004
>Karlstad University, Sweden
>Conference theme:
>Off the shelf or from the ground up?
>ICTs and cultural marginalization, homogenization or hybridization
>The biennial CATaC conference series provides a continuously expanding
>international forum for the presentation and discussion of current
>research on how diverse cultural attitudes shape the implementation
>and use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The
>conference series brings together scholars from around the globe who
>provide diverse perspectives, both in terms of the specific culture(s)
>they highlight in their presentations and discussions, and in terms of
>the discipline(s) through which they approach the conference theme.
>The first conference in the series was held in London in 1998, the
>second in Perth in 2000, and the third in Montreal in 2002.
>Beginning with our first conference in 1998, the CATaC conferences
>have highlighted theoretical and praxis-oriented scholarship and
>research from all parts of the globe, including Asia, Africa, and the
>Middle-East. The conferences focus especially on people and
>communities at the developing edges of ICT diffusion, including
>indigenous peoples and those outside the English-speaking world.
>Understanding the role of culture in how far minority and/or
>indigenous cultural groups may succeed - or fail - in taking up ICTs
>designed for a majority culture is obviously crucial to the moral and
>political imperative of designing ICTs in ways that will not simply
>reinforce such groups' marginalization. What is the role of culture in
>the development of ICTs "from the ground up" - beginning with the
>local culture and conditions - rather than assuming dominant "off the
>shelf" technologies are appropriate? Are the empowering potentials of
>ICTs successfully exploited among minority and indigenous groups,
>and/or do they rather engender cultural marginalization, cultural
>homogenization or cultural hybridization?
>Original full papers (especially those which connect theoretical
>frameworks with specific examples of cultural values, practices, etc.)
>and short papers (e.g. describing current research projects and
>preliminary results) are invited.
>Topics of particular interest include but are not limited to:
>- Culture: theory and praxis
>- Culture and economy
>- Alternative models for ICT diffusion
>- Role of governments and activists in culture, technology and communication
>- ICTs and cultural hybridity
>- ICTs and intercultural communication
>- Culture, communication and e-learning
>Our conference themes provide a range of approaches to the questions raised.
>Nina Wakeford, Foundation Fund Lecturer in Sociology and Social
>Methodology. For her DPhil at Nuffield College, Oxford, Dr Wakeford
>studied the experiences of mature students using a sociological
>conception of risk. Before coming to the University of Surrey in
>September of 1998, she spent three years studying "Women's Experiences
>of Virtual Communities", funded by an ESRC Post-Doctoral grant. The
>last two years of this Fellowship she conducted fieldwork in and
>around Silicon Valley while based at the University of California,
>CATaC'04 will also feature two particular foci, each chaired by a
>distinguished colleague who will oversee paper review and development
>of the final panels.
>PANEL 1: The Multilingual Internet
>Panel Chairs: Susan Herring and Brenda Danet
>Expanding on their collective work, including a special issue of the
>Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (Vol. 9 (1), November, 2003
>- see http://www.ascusc.org/jcmc/), this thread invites papers with a
>specific focus on how the Internet impacts language choice and
>linguistic practices in traditionally non-English speaking cultural
>contexts. Of particular interest are situations that respond in
>various ways to the tension between global English dominance and local
>linguistic diversity, e.g., through use of English as an online lingua
>franca, the "localization" of global or regional linguistic
>influences, translation or code-switching between different languages,
>and strategic uses of the Internet to maintain and invigorate minority
>Susan Herring is Professor of Information Science and Linguistics,
>Indiana University Bloomington
>Brenda Danet is Professor Emerita of Sociology and Communication at
>the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
>PANEL 2: Utopian Dreams vs. Real-World Conditions: Under what
>conditions can ICTs really help worse off communities?
>Panel Chair: Michel Menou.
>CATaC'04 will likely feature some examples of "best practices" in
>using ICTs to aid culturally-appropriate development, especially as
>pursued through governmental or NGOs' projects, community informatics
>endeavours, etc. At the same time, however, real-world politics and
>realities - e.g., violent oppression, political corruption, gender and
>ethnic discrimination, abuse of dominant economic position, structural
>disasters, worst practices of all kinds and origins, etc. - can
>shatter the best-laid plans for using ICTs to supposedly help
>especially the poorest of the poor. How far can ICTs succeed in
>supporting culturally-appropriate development - and what appropriate
>answers to real-world conditions are required in order for our best
>efforts to realize the liberatory potentials of these technologies not
>be broken down?
>Michel Menou, has worked on the development of national information
>policies and systems in many countries of the Southern hemisphere
>since 1966. Since 1992 his work focused on the impact of information
>and ICT in development. He is a member of the Community Informatics
>Research Network and of the network of Telecentres of Latin America
>and Caribbean.
>All submissions will be peer reviewed by an international panel of
>scholars and researchers and accepted papers will appear in the
>conference proceedings.
>Initial submissions are to be uploaded to the CATaC website according
>to the paper guidelines (available at the conference website).
>Submission of a paper implies that it has not been submitted or
>published elsewhere. At least one author of each accepted paper is
>expected to present the paper at the conference.
>There will be the opportunity for selected papers from this 2004
>conference to appear in special issues of journals and a book. Papers
>in previous conferences have appeared in journals (Journal of Computer
>Mediated Communication, Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue
>Electronique de Communication, AI and Society, Javnost- The Public,
>and New Media and Society) and a book (Culture, Technology,
>Communication: towards an Intercultural Global Village, 2001, edited
>by Charles Ess with Fay Sudweeks, SUNY Press, New York). You may
>purchase the conference proceedings from the 2002 conference from
>Important Dates
>Full papers (10-20 pages): 12 January 2004
>Short papers (3-5 pages): 26 January 2004
>Notification of acceptance: end February 2004
>Final formatted papers: 29 March 2004
>  Charles Ess, Drury University, USA, catac at it.murdoch.edu.au
>  Fay Sudweeks, Murdoch University, Australia, catac at it.murdoch.edu.au
>  Malin Sveningsson, Karlstad University, Sweden, malin.sveningsson at kau.se
>===8<===========End of original message text===========
>===8<===========End of original message text===========
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Mag. Laurent Straskraba
Information Society Researcher
Ontlstr. 3
A - 4040 Linz
mobile: +43.650.7711861 (GMT +1)
e-mail: laurent at straskraba.net
web: http://www.straskraba.net
ICQ: 175115055 

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