[Air-l] AoIR Membership

Suely Fragoso SUELY at icaro.unisinos.br
Tue Nov 4 09:09:20 PST 2003

Dear all

I just read Nancy's presidential toughts and I would like to emphasize 
that the special membership price for non-OECD countries is a 
powerful help to "bring more people in from underrepresented parts of 
the world" (I am quoting Nancy's message here). Membership does not 
help people being able to afford to travel for the anual meeting but it 
enables access to many conference papers, what constitutes a nice 
starting point for sharing ideas and so on.
It is not, however, well known that people in non-OECD countries can 
be members of AoIR for a (relatively) small amount of money - I 
therefore suggest that this should be better publicised (both in the AoIR 
web site and in other mailing lists, for example academic ones shared 
by scholars located in those non-OECD countries).
If most people agree with this, I can try to publicise special 
membership conditions in some Latin American lists and groups.


PS For those who intend to protest *against* special prices for non-
OECD countries, I offer just one example: *one coffee* in Canada 
costs the equivalent to *a whole healthy meal* in many places in Brazil 
- notice that our salaries are proportional to national costs, not 
international ones, and you will understand why prices are as relative 
as many other matters. 

Dr. Suely Fragoso
Sao Leopoldo   RS

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