[Air-l] Conference on Scholarly Communication, Nov. 11

halavais at buffalo.edu halavais at buffalo.edu
Fri Oct 3 12:57:41 PDT 2003

For those who will be in the region the month after the AIR conference, 
you may wish to attend a one-day conference at the SUNY Buffalo campus 
on the future of scholarly communication. This is the first of what is 
hoped to be a series of gatherings on the topic, and we have some 
interesting speakers coming to talk with us. 

Scholarly Communication in an Information Age
November 11, 2003

Academic publishing and scholarly communication more generally are 
undergoing a period of rapid change. Positive change comprises a wealth 
of Web based services for pre-print collections, data warehouses, 
collaboration systems and more. Negative change comprises skyrocketing 
costs for academic journals that have forced a nationwide cutback in 
the average number of periodicals held by research university 
libraries. All this dramatically impacts the productivity and promotion 
of individual scholars as well as university budgets.

James Neal (Columbia University)
Chaos breeds life: Rethinking ways scholars create, communicate and 
conserve their work

David Schulenburger (University of Kansas)
Scholarly communications: A public goods dissemination model

Clifford Lynch (Coalition for Networked Information)
Technology and scholarly communication

Julia Blixrud (Association of Research Libraries)
Sociology of the Academy

As well as faculty panels and other discussions.

For more information, please see: 


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     |         Alexander Campbell Halavais         |
     |             alex.halavais.net               |
     | Assistant Professor, School of Informatics  |
     |  State University of New York at Buffalo    |

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