[Air-l] Hope to see you in Toronto

Steve Jones sjones at uic.edu
Sun Oct 12 19:06:28 PDT 2003


I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as can make it at the 
upcoming AoIR 2003 conference in Toronto, our fourth annual 
conference. The quality of papers and presentations promises to be 
outstanding, and I am grateful to Matt Allen, our program chair, and 
the numerous reviewers who looked over the many paper and panel 
submissions this year.

As most of you know this will be my final conference as AoIR 
president, and it has been a privilege and an honor to oversee four 
of the best conferences I have ever attended. I will look forward to 
participating in future ones as a member! As has been the case the 
past three years I am nearly overwhelmed by the breadth and depth of 
the program, and cannot wait to begin the meeting.

A great deal of effort has gone into the planning of the conference, 
and much has particularly been contributed by Liss Jeffrey and 
volunteers and colleagues in Toronto.

Should you have any questions or concerns, or need advice of any 
kind, please email the conference coordinators, they are AoIR's "go 
to" people on-site:

Rhiannon Bury rbury at wlu.ca
Catherine Middleton cmiddlet at ryerson.ca
Olivia Robertson olivia.robertson at utoronto.ca

I am sure they will be more than happy to help, and they have already 
been a tremendous help with conference arrangements, as have been 
numerous volunteers in Toronto (and vicinity) and in AoIR.

Please also keep an eye on the official website for the conference - 
http://www.aoir.org/2003 - which will be progressively updated over 
the next few days, including links to the program.

See you soon,
Steve Jones
President, Association of Internet Researchers

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