[Air-l] CALL FOR PAPERS: Special issue on Web surveys.

Katja Lozar Manfreda katja.lozar at uni-lj.si
Fri Oct 17 01:55:46 PDT 2003

The Journal of Official Statistics (JOS)

in cooperation with the Web Survey Methodology Portal (http://www.websm.org)

is planning a

Special issue on Web surveys.



Due date: March 31, 2004



SCOPE AND TOPICS: In recent years, a new way of collecting survey data has come into use: data collection through the World Wide Web. This innovation has many advantages, but also generates new methodological challenges. For this special issue we welcome manuscripts on various aspects of Web survey methodology and application, including (but not restricted to): 

·         coverage issues and respondent solicitation strategies

·         sampling and weighting issues

·         visual design effects including the use of multimedia

·         nonresponse issues and participation patterns

·         measurement errors

·         mode effects and mixed mode surveys 

·         Web data collection in special contexts, such as employee surveys via corporate intranets, etc. 

·         questionnaire development and pretesting methods

·         studies on the utility and effectiveness of Web surveys, such as cost and benefit issues 

·         software reviews and other technological issues.


JOURNAL INFORMATION: JOS is a scholarly journal published by Statistics Sweden, the national statistical office of Sweden. The journal publishes articles on statistical methodology and theory, with an emphasis on applications. For more information on JOS, please visit the JOS home page, www.jos.nu.


SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Contributions should be submitted exclusively via email to jos at scb.se, preferably in MS Word. Detailed guidelines for preparation of a manuscript are available at the JOS home page. Manuscripts proposed for this special issue should not have been submitted or published elsewhere. All manuscripts are peer reviewed and evaluated with respect to quality, significance and clarity of presentation. Manuscripts should be as concise as possible without loss of clarity. 

To be considered for the special issue, a submitted manuscript must reach JOS no later than March 31, 2004. The special issue is tentatively scheduled to appear in December 2004.


EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: The special issue is administered by a guest editorial committee, comprised of the following members:

·         Dr. Michael Bosnjak (University of Mannheim, Germany)

·         Dr. Gösta Forsman (Swedish National Road Administration and Linköping University, Sweden)

·         Dr. Annica Isaksson (Linköping University, Sweden) -- Committee chair

·         Dr. Katja Lozar Manfreda (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

·         Dr. Lars Lyberg (Statistics Sweden, Sweden) -- Chief editor of JOS

·         Dr. Tracy Tuten Ryan (Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA)

·         Dr. Matthias Schonlau (RAND, USA)

The committee members are looking forward to your submission.

Lozar Manfreda, Katja, PhD
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Social Science, University of Ljubljana
Kardeljeva ploscad 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tel. +386 1 5805 284
Fax. +386 1 5805 101

Email: katja.lozar at uni-lj.si, katja at ris.org

Faculty of Social Sciences: www.fdv.uni-lj.si
Research on Internet in Slovenija: www.ris.org
Methodology of Web surveys: www.websm.org
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