[Air-l] International reactions to The death of chat?

Merlyna Lim merlyn at bdg.centrin.net.id
Thu Sep 25 01:52:13 PDT 2003

In Indonesian media, the porn-sex-phedopiles issues were also mentioned. 
However, this news doesn't seem to have huge impact in Indonesia. It's 
not a big deal..
Majority of Internet users have not-so-fast internet connection (either 
dial-up or internet cafes/schools), so web-based chats like this 
chat.msn.com was not that popular. Net-users mostly use IRC/mIRC, yahoo 
messenger and msn messenger for chats.

So... chats still continue.....

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and 
he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day!"

Merlyna Lim
Ph.D. candidate, U Twente, Enschede - The Netherlands
Research fellow, SCoT Research Group, Bandung - Indonesia

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