[Air-l] pol econ

Jonathan Sterne jsterne+ at pitt.edu
Sat Sep 6 11:00:05 PDT 2003

Hi All,

I missed the replies as well (and would love to see them), but in 
case these were missed, here are a few suggestions:

Dan Schiller, _Digital Capitalism_, especially the first two chapters
Nick Dyer-Witheford, _CyberMarx_
Bob McChesney's internet chapter in _Rich Media, Poor Democracy_
Robins and Webster _Times of the Technoculture_

some oldie but goodies:
Aronowitz and DiFazio, _The Jobless Future_
Brook and Boal _resisting the Virutal Life_
Gandy _The Panoptic Sort_
Mosco and Wasco _The Political Economy of Information_

and a newbie but goody:

Michelle Rodino, currently a grad student here, will soon defend her 
very interesting dissertation on mobile computing technologies and 
the digital economy.

for "raw material" for lectures and such, I read the business press and Wired.


I may have made this point onlist before, but for all the studies of 
cybersex, you'd think someone would do a real study of the political 
economy of the internet porn industry, especially given that it's 
apparently one of the few ways to make money online.  The only thing 
I know is an Annalee Newitz piece on the wholesale/retail economics 
of it in _Punk Planet_ a few years back.  Even Eric Schlosser's new 
book only touches upon it.


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