[Air-l] Source of research sought

Christine L. Ogan ogan at indiana.edu
Wed Sep 17 14:30:27 PDT 2003

I'm looking for research on people who respond to opinions or ideas 
they read in listservs or on Internet sites. If I remember correctly, 
people who write in response to an idea they read on a listserv tend to 
disagree with the published statement. Is that so? Who has conducted 
research on this phenomenon?  I am studying email responses to an essay 
that appeared in a political opinion web site.
Thanks for any help you can provide.

Chris Ogan
Professor of Journalism
School of Journalism
206a Ernie Pyle Hall
970 E. Seventh Street
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405-7108

Fax: 812-855-0901

Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research
Professor of Informatics
211 Informatics
901 E. Tenth Street
Bloomington, IN 47408-3912
Fax: 812-856-4764

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