[Air-l] Reminder! Website Environment Survey - Need help!

Samah Ahmed ahmedsa at auburn.edu
Thu Apr 15 05:17:29 PDT 2004

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for everyone who took the time to respond to my suvey, your
input has been very helpful.  I have received wonderful comments that
have been very instrumental to my researh.  However, I still need few
more responses, so I am sending the message again in case some were not
able to respond to the first notice. Below is the note and link to the
survey website.  Thank you again.

For my dissertation, I am examining perceptions of website environment. 
I am writing to request your help.  
If you have researched the topics of usability, human-computer
interaction, and/or human interface design --
If you have experience with conducting usability tests and/or site
evaluations --
If you have designed websites and feel you have gained knowledge from
within the process --

If any of these conditions apply to you, I would like your expertise
evaluation for one or more websites.  It would take only a few minutes
to click through a commercial website, complete a short survey and type
a few comments.

If you are interested or willing to help, please go to the following

For information about the survey please do not hesitate to contact me
Samah Ahmed email: ahmedsa at auburn.edu

Thank you and appreciate you sharing your expertise!!

Samah Ahmed

Samah H. Ahmed
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Consumer Affairs
Auburn University
Ph. (334) 844-1339
Fax (334) 844-1340

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