[Air-l] Media Monitoring Online
Steven Clift
slc at publicus.net
Mon Apr 19 07:25:37 PDT 2004
Is anyone "here" involved with media monitoring online?
I am looking for any best practices to mention/reference in my research
on the Internet and Election Standards.
(FYI - NDI has a great resource on media monitoring in general:
http://www.ndi.org/globalp/elections/programselc/manuals.asp )
However, other than my visit with the National Election Commission in
Korea (they monitored 4,000 web sites for election law violations -
mostly finding "false statements" in forums), I am not aware of examples
of monitoring and reporting of weekly online trends related to online
media coverage.
The general idea with media monitoring is to point out what is happening
in an "objective" manner such that it might promote more balanced
coverage all in the name of free and fair elections.
I would guess that a number of you are using tools to archive candidate
web sites in the U.S. election. Please tell me about the state of the
art and any thought you have about reporting results weekly.
Please reply to: clift at publicus.net
Steven Clift
Steven Clift - http://publicus.net - Reply to: clift at publicus.net
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