[Air-l] Game studies birds of a feather meeting

Mia Consalvo consalvo at ohio.edu
Fri Aug 27 07:28:46 PDT 2004

Hi all,

I just posted a message in the forums to have a BoF meeting for all those
interested in digital games at Sussex. The day/time is Sunday 1-2:15 (from
my draft of the program anyway). Please post there if you can make it, and
if you can't, but would like to get together for a social gathering later in
the conference, email me directly and I can let you know when and where
we're getting together for that.


Mia Consalvo, Ph.D.
213 RTVC
School of Telecommunications
9 South College Street
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701

(740) 597-1521
consalvo at ohio.edu

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