[Air-l] CFP-Online Communities in the Digital Economy: HICSS 2005

Blair Nonnecke nonnecke at cis.uoguelph.ca
Mon Feb 23 06:32:56 PST 2004

* * * Please forward as appropriate * * *

Third Annual Online Communities in the Digital Economy
    at the Hawai'i International Conference on Systems Science
    on the Big Island of Hawaii, January 3-6, 2005

*** AT A GLANCE ***

---Topic Area---
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

    Communities as sociological phenomenon in the digital economy
    Community-related business models, best practices and lessons learned
    Business Communities
    Personalization and use of customer profiles
    Case studies and topologies of Online Communities
    Research methodologies
    Novel communities, M-Communities and hybrid communities
    Design principles for community platforms: Coordination, trust,
    normative values, design patterns and methods, implementations,
    architectures and components, personalization and avatars
    Formal or semi-formal models of communities and their platforms:
    Theories, Conceptual frameworks, Organizational models, Cognitive models,
    Multi-agent systems, Formalizations, as, e.g., logical models

For other examples of appropriate topics see the list of previous
years' papers: http://www.e-business.fhbb.ch/hicss

    Researchers and designers from fields such as business development,
    information systems, information studies, computer science,
    anthropology, computer-mediated communication, management sciences,
    usability, interaction design, linguistics, psychology, rhetoric,
    and so forth.

    Blair Nonnecke, University of Guelph, Canada
    Ulrike Lechner, University of Bremen, Germany
    Petra Schubert, University of Applied Sciences Basel, Switzerland

---Important Dates---
     Abstract submission - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 [instructions below]
     Abstract feedback - by Wednesday, April 14, 2004
     Paper submission - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 [instructions below]
     Accept/Reject notice - Sunday, August 15, 2004
     Final papers due - Friday, October 1, 2004
     One author must register for HICSS - Friday, October 1, 2004
     Deadline for conference-negotiated hotel rates - Wednesday, December
1, 2004

---For More Information---
    The online call and a list of previous years' papers:
        nonnecke at cis.uoguelph.ca
        lechner at informatik.uni-bremen.de
        petra.schubert at fhbb.ch
    About the HICSS conference: http://www.hicss.org/

*** DETAILS ***

---About the Minitrack---

Virtual Communities have been studied from a variety of different
perspectives. Examples range from Communities of Interest, Communities of
Relationship, Gaming Communities to Communities of Transaction. Community
building and community management can be a key success factors in the
digital economy. They can either supplement existing or even represent new
business models in the digital economy. The communities we target may be
constituted as Internet shops, portal sites, groupware systems, electronic
auctions, billboards, peer-to-peer file sharing infrastructures,
enterprises or organizations. Product-centred communities are relevant for
online companies, as for example the reader community at Amazon.com or
mutual support groups for software development. Other communities form
value chains, such as single product manufacturing consortia or flexible
consumer-driven organization of global supply chains. Further examples are
topic and technology oriented communities such as Open-EDI trading
communities, Open Trading on the Internet (OTP), EDI/XML interest groups or
the community-oriented programming of Linux. Communities of Practice or
Learning Communities are pivotal for knowledge management. On peer-to-peer
infrastructures communities share files and wireless technologies enable a
new type of communities, M-Communities.

As the examples show, online communities differ in their orientation.
Nevertheless, there are some common features which all types of communities
share: common interests, practices, languages and ontologies with common
semantics as well as normative issues. Communities are a sociological
phenomenon. They can foster a social atmosphere for interactions and
transactions. They dispose of enormous power - provided the emergence of
adequate services and platforms as the file sharing communities illustrate.

---Instructions for Abstract Submission----
1.   Submit a 250 word abstract of your proposed paper via
       email to the chairs (March 31):
       Blair Nonnecke<nonnecke at cis.uoguelph.ca>,
       Ulrike Lechner <lechner at informatik.uni-bremen.de>
       Petra Schubert <petra.schubert at fhbb.ch>
2.   We will send you feedback on the suitability of your
      abstract shortly thereafter.

---Instructions for Paper Submission---
1.  HICSS papers must contain original material not
      previously published, or currently submitted elsewhere.
2.  Do not submit the manuscript to more than one
      Minitrack Chair. If unsure which Minitrack is appropriate, submit
      the abstract to the Track Chair for guidance.
3.  Submit your full paper according to the detailed
      formatting and submission instructions found on the HICSS website.
      Note: All papers will be submitted in double column publication
      format and limited to 10 pages including diagrams and references
      (June 15).
4.  Submit final paper (October 1).

---About the HICSS Conference---
Since 1968 the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
(HICSS) has become a respected a forum for the substantive
interchange of ideas in all areas of information systems and
technology. The objective of HICSS is to provide a unique environment
in which researchers and practitioners in the information, computer
and system sciences can frankly exchange and discuss their research
ideas, techniques and applications. Comments and feedback from each
HICSS conference indicate that the conference format continues to be
professionally rewarding and stimulating to everyone who attends.
More information about the HICSS conference can be found at

--- Conference Administration---
Ralph Sprague, Conference Chair, sprague at hawaii.edu
Sandra Laney, Conference Administrator, hicss at hawaii.edu
Eileen Dennis, Track Administrator, eidennis at indiana.edu

--- 2005 Conference Venue---
Hilton Waikoloa Village (on the Big Island of Hawaii)
425 Waikoloa Beach Drive
Waikoloa, Hawaii 96738
Tel: 1-808-886-1234
Fax: 1-808-886-2900

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