Oops there goes the thread RE: [Air-l] Re: first post (An Internet Withou...

Thomas Berker thomas.berker at hf.ntnu.no
Wed Feb 18 04:10:12 PST 2004

Hi list,

Frank Schaap wrote:
> There could be a nice paper here about "nomadic" use of the net by 
> students, who use the net mostly in computer rooms and at their parents 
> place. 
 > They're pretty much putting it to practical use: interacting with the
 > school/university website, searching/surfing a bit for information and
 > entertainment, joining the odd forum, e-mailing, and chatting with

Your observations are strongly supported by a study on Belgian youth 
conducted by my colleague Maren Hartmann. She found both - the nomadic 
aspect and the focus on content - being crucial determinants of their 
use of ICTs.

best, thomas
   Thomas Berker, NTNU, KULT
   7492 Trondheim, Norway

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